Add a Contact Method

You can add additional contact methods to your contact record, or another contact record, such as an email address, phone number, or address.

To add a contact method:

  1. Navigate to the contact record.
    For information, see Searching for Contacts. Alternatively, to update your own contact record, click your name in the top-right corner.
  2. In the Contact Methods section, click .
  3. On the Add New Contact Method window, use the Contact Method list to select the type of contact method.
  4. In the Number/Address field, enter the contact method details.
  5. Optional: To prevent you from being included in marketing campaigns, select No Contact.
    When you select this option for one contact method, it applies to all contact methods.
  6. Optional: In the Notes field, enter any notes about the contact method.
  7. Click Save.