Add Your Linked Projects Into a Timesheet

You can add all projects and enquiries that you are linked to as a contact into a timesheet. If a project or enquiry only has one workstage or variation allocated to it, it is automatically populated in the timesheet.

To add your linked projects and enquiries into a timesheet:

  1. Navigate to the Personal Zone.
  2. On the Timesheets dashpart, click against the timesheet that you want to open.
    Use the From and To fields to change the date range to display timesheets for, if required. If the Timesheets dashpart is not displayed, click to add it.
  3. On the timesheet form, click Add Current.
    The timesheet updates to include all projects and enquiries that you are linked to.

You can now enter hours worked against any projects or enquiries for which you are linked to. To remove a row, click .