Add Files from your PC to Placeholders

You can add files from your PC to document placeholders within a project's DLM. If any files cannot be matched to existing placeholders, you are prompted to first create the required placeholders.

To add files from your PC to placeholders in DLM:

  1. Navigate to the project.
    You can search for projects using the Search Projects link in the Activity Zone. Projects that you are linked to also appear on the History tab in your contact record, and in the Projects dashpart in the Personal Zone.
  2. On the project window, click the DLM tab.
  3. Click the Assigning Renditions tab.
  4. Do one of the following:
    • Click Add Files to select files from your PC. Press and hold the CTRL key to select multiple files.
    • Drag and drop files from Windows Explorer onto the Drop Rendition Files Here area. Press and hold the CTRL key to select multiple files.
  5. Click Assign Rendition.
  6. In the Rendition Files automatically matched to Document Placeholders step, specify or modify any placeholder or file properties, as required.
    For information, see Rendition Files Automatically Matched to Document Placeholders.
    Tip: You can use the fields at the top of the window to enter the same information for all placeholders in the list, including the received date, requested approval date, status, sending organization, and the detail. After you specify one or more fields, click Apply to all to apply the same information to all placeholders.
    Note: If one or more files cannot be matched to existing placeholders, the New Document Placeholders from Files step displays. This step requires you to first create placeholders for any unmatched files. For information on the available fields, see New Document Placeholders from Files.
  7. Click Process and Continue.