
A workspace is a grouping of panels, organized hierarchically around a business entity (such as a customer), a role (such as a project manager), or a process (such as financial reporting).

You can think of a workspace of as a work area: all the tools and functionality that are needed for working with a customer, being a project manager, or doing financial reporting are in one place, clearly organized.

The Workspace Menu

The workspace menu shows the workspaces that have been setup for your role, and to which you have access. To open a workspace, double-click in the menu. To close it again, double-click the "X" on the workspace tab.

Several workspaces can be open simultaneously. Also, the same workspace can be opened more than once. This is useful, for example, when you work with a number of jobs at the same time.


Workspaces can be divided into sections, which divide larger workspaces into distinct areas. The sections typically represent the main activities in a workflow or major activities in a business lifecycle, or they represent different aspects of a business entity.

To switch between sections, click in the section bar (located in the top part of the workspace, below the filter, and above anything else in the workspace.)


A panel is where you do something: enter data, edit data, and review data. Panels correspond to what is also—in other contexts—called windows or dialogs. A panel can contain fields where you can enter and edit data, and labels that tell what the fields are for.

Panels can also have actions: steps that you can do. For example, in a panel that shows a quote, you could have an action that converts the quote to an order.