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Information synced between Ajera and CRM

Not available in ajeraCore or ajeraCore + add-ons

What information is shared between Ajera and CRM?

The integration with Ajera CRM/CRM Plus/Simple CRM syncs project, contact, and client information with Ajera information.

In order to sync information correctly, the process creates a relationship between corresponding information in both applications. Refer to the table below to understand how the process maps information between Ajera and CRM. During the sync, records that exist on the mapping table but no longer exist in CRM will be removed from the mapping table.


List Information





Project information from CRM to Ajera

Upon syncing, if a project doesn't exist in Ajera, a new project is created. Project information is created in Ajera based on information from the project in CRM and the project template either assigned to the project in CRM or the integration tab.

When a project is set to sync in CRM, the sync process will check for a project with the same name in Ajera. If that project exists, a new project will not be created and an error message will appear on the Integration Log.

To add projects that exist in both Ajera and CRM to the mapping table, run the manual sync option in Ajera ( > Setup > Utility> Synchronize with CRM, and mark the Map unsynced Ajera projects to existing CRM projects check box).

If a project contains a business development phase, changes made to the Probability in CRM are synced to the % Chance of Winning field in Ajera. When the Pursuit Stage is changed to Won, Lost, or Do Not Pursue, the Final Disposition Stage in the Ajera BD phase is marked with the corresponding Stage.

Through the life of the project, changes made in Ajera are sent back to CRM if Sync to Ajera is marked on the Project in the Project Command Center.

You can also create a project in CRM from Ajera for projects that do not start as an opportunity.

Both Simple CRM and Ajera CRM/CRM Plus receive project information, dates, and cost information as well as Project Team information.

In addition Ajera CRM/CRM Plus receives Budget, Revenue, and Ajera project totals to CRM.

Ajera Ajera CRM/CRM Plus Simple CRM



Active in CRM = Active in Ajera

Closed/Inactive in CRM = Closed in Ajera

Note: When you select a status of Closed for a project, the project will sync to CRM one final time regardless of the Sync to CRM option setting. The Sync to CRM option will then be deselected after the final sync if it is selected. The Sync to CRM option can be reselected in the PCC if further changes on the closed project are needed. It will only be included when Sync to Closed Projects is selected during a manual sync.


Active in CRM = Active in Ajera

Closed/Inactive in CRM = Closed in Ajera

Note: When you select a status of Closed for a project, the project will sync to CRM one final time regardless of the Sync to CRM option setting. The Sync to CRM option will then be deselected after the final sync if it is selected. The Sync to CRM option can be reselected in the PCC if further changes on the closed project are needed. It will only be included when Sync to Closed Projects is selected during a manual sync.


Note: If the project description is more than 40 characters, the description will sync to the Project Long Name in CRM. If the project description is less than 40 characters, the description will sync to the Project Short Name in CRM.

Project Short Name/ Project Long Name

Note: The integration will check for duplicates and will not create two projects with the same prjDescription.


Project Short Name/ Project Long Name

Note: The integration will check for duplicates and will not create two projects with the same prjDescription.


Project Number

Project Number

prjKey PIM ID (internal unique project field used to map the Ajera project with the CRM project. PIM ID
prjProjectType Project Type Description Project Type Description


Note: If the employee is not set up in Ajera, it will use the template.


Note: If the employee is not set up in Ajera, it will use the template.



Note: If the employee is not set up in Ajera, it will use the Principal in Charge from the template.


Note: If the employee is not set up in Ajera, it will use the Principal in Charge from the template.


Information, if any, comes from project template

Information, if any, comes from project template

prjLocation Combines addresses from CRM Combines addresses from CRM
prjActualStartDate StartDate StartDate
prjActualCompletionDate EndDate EndDate

Estimated start date

Note: When a project is created in Ajera from CRM, this is filled in with the milestone estimated start date from the project in CRM.

When the project is synced from Ajera to CRM, the estimated start date is updated with the changes from Ajera.

If the date is blank in Ajera and there is a value in CRM, the value in CRM will not be blanked out.

Estimated start date

Information comes from the template selected when setting up the integration.

Information comes from the template selected when setting up the integration.

*prjRateTable RateTable assigned in the template selected when setting up the integration. RateTable assigned in the template selected when setting up the integration.

Contact marked to sync

You can sync up to 20 contacts

Note: This syncs the first time but is not kept up to date.

Contact marked to sync

You can sync up to 20 contacts

Note: This syncs the first time but is not kept up to date.



Note: This field is not bi-directional and only updates from CRM to Ajera.


Note: This field is not bi-directional and only updates from CRM to Ajera.


Stage Step

Vantagepoint Stage Steps Corresponding Ajera Status
Do Not Pursue Declined
In Pursuit Open
Won Won
Lost Lost

Note: This field is not bi-directional and only updates from CRM to Ajera.

When a new project is created in CRM from Ajera, the Stage will be set to the first Won stage.

Stage Step

Vantagepoint Stage Steps Corresponding Ajera Status
Do Not Pursue Declined
In Pursuit Open
Won Won
Lost Lost

Note: This field is not bi-directional and only updates from CRM to Ajera.

When a new project is created in CRM from Ajera, the Stage will be set to the first Won stage.


Information comes from Stage List in Ajera

Note: This field is not bi-directional and only updates from CRM to Ajera.

Information comes from Stage List in Ajera

Note: This field is not bi-directional and only updates from CRM to Ajera.


Information comes from Stage List in Ajera

Note: This field is not bi-directional and only updates from CRM to Ajera.

Information comes from Stage List in Ajera

Note: This field is not bi-directional and only updates from CRM to Ajera.


Pursuit Stage Won/Lost Date

Note: This field is not bi-directional and only updates from CRM to Ajera.

Pursuit Stage Won/Lost Date

Note: This field is not bi-directional and only updates from CRM to Ajera.


Information comes from the template selected when setting up the integration.

Information comes from the template selected when setting up the integration.

*prjCompany Information comes from the template selected when setting up the integration. Information comes from the template selected when setting up the integration.
*prjRevenueMethodLabor Information comes from the template selected when setting up the integration. Information comes from the template selected when setting up the integration.
*prjRevenueMethodExpense Information comes from the template selected when setting up the integration. Information comes from the template selected when setting up the integration.
*prjRevenueMethodConsultant Information comes from the template selected when setting up the integration. Information comes from the template selected when setting up the integration.
igClient Client assigned to the project in CRM Client assigned to the project in CRM

The information marked with an asterisk (*) is required.

Additional Project Information

The following information is also updated from Ajera to CRM for project updates.

CRM Dashpart Project field in Simple CRM & Ajera CRM Ajera Table Ajera column(s)
My Stuff > Dashboards > Ajera CRM Project Totals dashboard Compensation Project LaborContractAmount (fee & T&E) + prjExpenseContractAmount billed as fee
Direct Consultant Consultant Contract Amount billed as Fee
Direct Labor LaborContractAmount for fee & T&E
Direct Expense Expense Contract Amount billed as Fee
Reimbursable Allowance Expense ContractAmount + Consultant Contract Amount for amounts billed as T&E
Reimbursable Expense Expense Contract Amount billed as T&E
Reimbursable Consultant Consultant Contract Amount billed as T&E
Budgeted Overhead Rate Overhead Percent from Department or sOverheadPercent from Preferences if Department rate doesn't exist
Overall Percent Complete Project Reported Percent Complete
Projects > Dates & Costs tab Start Date Project Actual Start Date

Estimated Completion Date

Note: If this field is blank in Ajera, the field will not update to CRM.

Estimated Completion Date

Note: If this field is blank in Ajera, the field will not update to CRM.

Actual Completion Date Actual Completion Date
My Stuff > Dashboards > Ajera CRM Project Totals > Ajera CRM - WIP, Ajera CRM - Cost, Ajera CRM - Spent and Ajera CRM - Received dashparts Total Ajera Project Cost Labor Cost Budget + Expense Cost Budget + Consultant Cost Budget
Ajera Spent Labor Spent Labor on the Project Base
Ajera Spent Reimbursable Spent Expense on the Project Base
Ajera Spent Consultant Spent Consultant on the Project Base
Ajera Cost Labor Cost Labor on the Project Base
Ajera Cost Reimbursable Cost Expense on the Project Base
Ajera Cost Consultant Cost Consultant on the Project Base
Ajera WIP Labor WIP Labor on the Project Base
Ajera WIP Reimbursable WIP Expense on the Project Base
Ajera WIP Consultant WIP Consultant on the Project Base
Ajera Billed Labor Billed Labor on the Project Base
Ajera Billed Reimbursable Billed Expense on the Project Base
Ajera Billed Consultant Billed Consultant on the Project Base
Ajera Received Labor Receipts Labor on the Project Base
Ajera Received Reimbursable Receipts Expense on the Project Base
Ajera Received Consultant Receipts Consultant on the Project Base
Projects > Project Team > Team Members grid

Employee > Experience > Projects grid

Employee Ajera Transaction Employee Name
Project ID Project Key
Employee ID Employee Key

Employee Type

Must be a match with Employee Role in CRM

Start Date


First timesheet date employees enters time for this project for this role

End Date




Total hours entered to this project for this employee for this role

Project > TeamFirms grid

FirmAssociations > Projects grid

Firm Type Vendor Vendor

List Information

The following list information syncs from CRM to Ajera. List information in Vantagepoint can be found in Settings > Labels and Lists.

Ajera CRM
Project Template Syncs to Project Template
Employee Type Syncs to Employee Role
Client Type Syncs to Client Market Type
Project Type Syncs to Project Type

Employee information

Employees can be sent from Ajera to CRM if you select to do so on the Integrations tab.

Employee auto-numbering needs to be turned on in CRM.

Employee Types need to be set up as Employee Roles in CRM. Since the Employee Role in CRM is limited to only 50 characters, Employee Type descriptions will be limited to 50 characters when syncing to CRM.

Employee Titles can optionally be set up as Employee Titles in CRM.

The state set up on the Employee record needs to be the correct two letter state identifier in CAPS (Example: OR). The country needs to be the Country identifier in CAPS: US or USA or CA.

For unmapped Ajera employees, the sync process checks for an existing CRM employee with the same FIrst Middle Last name and department / Organization name. If an existing employee in CRM is found and not currently mapped, the two records are added to the mapping table. If no match is found, a new employee is created in CRM.

If an employee's rehire date is before the termination date or current date, the employee status in Vantagepoint will remain inactive.

Ajera Ajera CRM/CRM Plus Simple CRM
AxVEC.vecFirstName EM.FirstName EM.FirstName
AxVEC.vecMiddleName EM.MiddleName EM.MiddleName
AxVEC.vecLastName EM.LastName EM.LastName
Department Org subcodes > 1 Org subcodes > 1
Company Org subcode 1 Org subcode 1
AxVEC.vecSupervisor EM.Supervisor EM.Supervisor
AxVEC.vecEmail EM.EMail EM.EMail
AxVEC.vecPhone1 EM.HomePhone EM.HomePhone
AxVEC.vecPhone2 EM.WorkPhone EM.WorkPhone
AxVEC.vecPhone3 EM.MobilePhone EM.MobilePhone
AxVEC.vecFax EM.Fax EM.Fax
AxVEC.vecStatus EM.Status EM.Status
AxVEC.vecAddress1 EM.Address1 EM.Address1
AxVEC.vecAddress2 EM.Address2 EM.Address2
AxVEC.vecAddress3 EM.Address3 EM.Address3
AxVEC.vecCity EM.City EM.City
AxVEC.vecState EM.State EM.State
AxVEC.vecZip EM.Zip EM.Zip
AxVEC.vecCountry EM.Country EM.Country


Note: If the rehire date is before the termination date or current date, the employee status in Vantagepoint will remain inactive.


Note: If the rehire date is before the termination date or current date, the employee status in Vantagepoint will remain inactive.

AxVEC.vecEmployeeNotes EM.Memo EM.Memo
AxEmployeeWage.ewIsHourly EM.JobCostType EM.JobCostType
AxEmployeeWage.ewIsHourly EM.PayType EM.PayType
AxVec.vecTitle EM.Title EM.Title
AxEmployeeType CFGEmployeeRole CFGEmployeeRole

Contact information

Upon syncing, if a contact doesn't exist, a new contact is created in Ajera. The contact will be updated when changes are made in CRM or Ajera.

The integration will check for duplicates contacts. If a contact with the same first, middle, last, and description exist, that contact will be used in the sync.

You set how you want the contacts to sync between Ajera and CRM on the Integrations tab. You can set it up to sync no contacts at all (None), sync contacts from Deltek CRM to Ajera, or bidirectionally sync which creates and updates contacts between Ajera and Deltek CRM.

If the Integration Client is identified on the Contact, this will be the Firm on the Contact record in Vantagepoint CRM. The Contact will be added to the Contact tab for that Firm.

The state set up on the client record needs to be the correct two letter state identifier in CAPS (Example: OR). The country needs to be the country identifier in CAPS: US or USA or CA.

Contacts created in Ajera will also sync to CRM if your integration settings are set to bidirectional.

The contacts synced are those with Ajera Sync check on the project or client.

Ajera Ajera CRM/CRM Plus Simple CRM



*cntFirstName FirstName FirstName
cntMiddleName MiddleName MiddleName
*cntLastName LastName LastName
cntTitle Title Title
cntContactType Type Type
cntAddress1 Address1 Address1
cntAddress2 Address2 Address2
cntAddress3 Address3 + Address4 Address3 + Address4
cntCity City City
cntState State State
cntZip Zip Zip
cntCountry Country Country
cntMailingAddressSame Checks the Same as address box in Ajera. Checks the Same as address box in Ajera.
cntMailingAddress1 Address1 Address1
cntMailingAddress2 Address2 Address2
cntMailingAddress3 Address3 Address3
cntMailingCity City City
cntMailingState State State
cntMailingZip Zip Zip
cntMailingCountry Country Country
cntPhone1 Phone Phone
cntPhone2 CellPhone CellPhone
cntPhone3 HomePhone HomePhone
cntFax Fax Fax
cntEmail Email Email
cntClient Firm Firm

The information marked with an asterisk (*) is required.

Client information

Clients are part of the Firms Hub in Vantagepoint CRM. Upon syncing, if a client doesn't exist, a new client is created in Ajera. The client will be updated when changes are made in CRM or Ajera. For Ajera CRM, the clients synced are those identified with Ajera Sync marked or assigned to a project set to sync.

You set how you want the clients to sync between Ajera and CRM on the Integrations tab. You can set it up to sync clients from Deltek CRM to Ajera or bidirectionally sync which creates and updates clients between Ajera and CRM.

The state set up on the client record needs to be the correct two letter state identifier in CAPS (Example: OR). The country needs to be the country identifier in CAPS: US or USA or CA.

Clients created in Ajera will also sync to CRM if your integration settings are set to bidirectional.

The integration will check for clients with the same name. If a client with the same description exists, that client will be used in the sync.

Ajera Ajera CRM/CRM Plus Simple CRM
*vecDescription Name Name
* vecStatus


Note: Those marked active will sync active. Those marked inactive/dormant will sync inactive.


Note: Those marked active will sync active. Those marked inactive/dormant will sync inactive.

vecAddress1 Address1 Address1
vecAddress2 Address2 Address2
vecAddress3 Address3 Address3
vecCity City City
vecState State State
vecZip Zip Zip
vecCountry Country Country
vecMailingAddressSame Checks the Same as address box in Ajera. Checks the Same as address box in Ajera.
vecMailingAddress1 Address1 Address1
vecMailingAddress2 Address2 Address2
vecMailingAddress3 Address3 + Address4 Address3 + Address4
vecMailingCity City City
vecMailingState State State
vecMailingZip Zip Zip
vecMailingCountry Country Country
vecPhone1 Phone Phone
vecFax Fax Fax


Note: Email syncs for CRM Plus only
vecWebsite Website Website
vecAccountID Account ID Client Number

The information marked with an asterisk (*) is required.

Vendor Information

Vendors in Ajera sync to Firms in Vantagepoint.

Only vendors identified as a consultant vendor will sync to CRM (Setting up vendor types).

If a Firm with the same name as the Ajera vendor exists in Vantagepoint, that vendor will sync to the Firm in Vantagepoint. If it does not exist in Vantagepoint, a new Firm is created in Vantagepoint.

If you are mapping to an existing Firm, the Firm type will be set to Vendor.

If a Firm in Vantagepoint is already mapped to a client in Ajera, the Ajera vendor will still be mapped to the Firm in Vantagepoint.

Vendor updates to Vantagepoint will take place before Client updates to Vantagepoint. This will ensure that changes made to the Client take precedent.

Vendor contacts can sync to CRM with the new Integration Vendor field in Setup > Contacts. The Integration Vendor field allows you to select a vendor associated with the contact.


Ajera Ajera CRM/CRM Plus Simple CRM

Firm Type

This name varies depending on the Labels set up in Vantagepoint.

Firm Type

This name varies depending on the Labels set up in Vantagepoint.

vecDescription Firm Name Firm Name


This is marked as Active if Ajera = Active or Dormant if Ajera = Inactive


This is marked as Active if Ajera = Active or Dormant if Ajera = Inactive



The address will be marked as Primary if an address does not already exist

vecAddress2 Address2 Address2
vecAddress3 Address3 Address3
vecCity City City
vecState State State
vecZip Zip Zip
vecEmail Email Email
vecWebsite Website Website
Vendor ID Account ID Account ID
vecPhone1 Phone Phone



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