You are here: Ajera Help (A-Z) > CRM > Ajera CRM/CRM Plus > CRM Integration Log widget

Adding the CRM Integration Log widget and other CRM widgets

Not available in ajeraCore or ajeraCore + add-ons

The CRM Integration Log widget shows you the results of the sync.

You'll see the following information:

  • Company Name
  • Product the information is coming from
  • The date the information last synced
  • The time the information last synced
  • The method used (Update Projects, Update Clients, Update Contacts)
  • The result of the sync

Add the CRM Syncing Details with Ajera keys gallery item

The CRM Syncing Details with Ajera keys widgets report on the syncing details for Projects, Employees, Clients, and Contacts to CRM. View the corresponding CRM ID's for each mapped record. These widgets are filtered to only display records that are syncing to CRM.

  1. Click > to open Design mode, and click the tab you want to add the CRM Syncing Details with Ajera keys widgets or select Add Tab.
  2. In the Tab Properties area, click Add Widget.
  3. In the Add Widget window, click Browse Gallery.
  4. Search for CRM in the search field or navigate to the gallery item.
  5. Select the gallery item and click Add Widget.
  6. To confirm, click Yes.




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