Viewing client invoices

To view client invoices

  1. From the > Manage menu, click Client Invoices.

When you move your cursor over an invoice, a tool tip appears to inform you of any special situations regarding that invoice.

Ajera also alerts you to these specific situations as follows:

If the invoice amount is Then


Billing exceeds the contract amount for projects set up with a Time & Expense billing type, and for fee-based projects where you have selected to bill labor, expense, or consultant as time & expense and entered a contract amount.

Ajera determines the billing amount by adding, for an activity type, all billed amounts plus work-in-progress to be billed.

You can adjust the invoice amount.

Bright yellow

The invoice has at least one zero billed amount. You can adjust the invoice amount.

Note: Correct the billing rate table and then recalculate the billing amount by right-clicking the item on the client invoice. For Beginning Balance work-in-progress items, enter the billed rate or billed amount, as needed.
Can bill

Optional column

View only - If a check mark appears in this column, you can print this client invoice as Final and bill the client. If this column is not visible, click (Customize) and select the Can final bill check box.

If your billing rate tables are based on effective cost, you can invoice salaried time only after running payroll because this is when Ajera calculates the effective cost rates.


  1. In the table, you can also choose to
  • Change which client invoice appear.
  1. Click (Change View ).
  1. Enter information, as needed:
To view invoices for a specific Do this

Date type

Click and select if you want to use the billing or invoice date for choosing dates in the Date Range field.

Date range

In the Date Range field, click the date or time period you want to view entries for. To choose a range of dates, click Select Dates and then enter the beginning and ending dates in the fields that appear to the right.

Show marketing projects Check to show marketing projects on the client invoice list.
Show overhead project Check to show overhead projects on the client invoice list.

Invoice status

Click any or all of the invoice status types.

Effective cost

Select one of the following check boxes:

  • Can final bill: To see only client invoices that are ready to bill as Final
  • Cannot bill: To see only client invoices that are not ready to bill as Final


Either begin typing it, or click to enter it.


Project manager

Billing manager


Company (multi-company only)

  1. Click OK. The window reappears with the invoices you requested.
  1. To see a specific invoice, double-click it.
  2. Click Close.