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Working with tables

Many windows in Ajera contain tables. Change the way information appears in tables, as follows.  

Unless otherwise noted, these changes only remain in effect until you close the window.

Sort items

To Do this

Sort by items in a column

Click the column heading. Click it again to change the sorting order.

Sort a column from lowest to highest values

Right-click the column heading, and click Sort Ascending. You can also click the column heading to change the sorting order.

Sort a column from highest to lowest values

Right-click the column heading, and click Sort Descending. You can also click the column heading to change the sorting order.

View only specific information

To Do this

View only specific information

Right-click the applicable column heading, and click Can Filter. Click the arrow that appears, and select the type of information you want.

View all information again after using Can Filter

Right-click the column heading, and click Clear Filter.

Resize columns

Note: The effects of the Best Fit and Best Fit (all columns) options are permanent until you use the option again. When you resize a column by dragging a border, the change only remains until you close the window.
To Do this

Resize a column

Click and drag the right boundary on the column heading until the column is the width you want.

Resize a column to fit the widest row

Right-click the column heading, and click Best Fit.

Resize all columns to fit the widest rows

Right-click any column heading, and click Best Fit (all columns). The new column widths are permanent and can only be changed using Best Fit (all columns) option.

Group items

To Do this

Group all like entries for a column together

Right-click the column heading, and click Group by this field.

Ungroup all like entries for a column after using Group by this Field

Right-click the column heading, and click Clear Grouping.

View-only cells

When a cell is shaded, you cannot enter information in it.



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