Setting up billing preferences

Follow these instructions as part of setting up your company preferences.

To set up billing preferences

  1. Click the Billing tab.
  2. Enter the following information:
For Do this

Client invoice options:

Auto assign invoice numbers by

Select the way you want to automatically assign numbers to your client invoices.

Select To
Organization Multi-company only. Assign invoice IDs for all invoices you produce


Assign invoice IDs for all invoices you produce

Note: If you have multi-company, then select this to assign invoice IDs sequentially for each company.


Assign invoice IDs sequentially for each client


Assign invoice IDs sequentially for each project


Assign the same invoice number for the entire invoice run (for example using the date 12312003)

Last invoice number used

If you are automatically assigning numbers by company, enter the number you want to use as the starting point for numbering invoices. For example, enter 999 to start printing invoices with a number of 1000. If blank, the first invoice has a number of 1. 

  • If you enter characters in your invoice number, Ajera only increments the numbers following the last character. When it reaches a limit, it resets the numbers to zero. For example, 2004-00 is incremented up to 2004-99, and then restarted at 2004-00. If you expect to need more than 99 invoices, you would increase the number of digits in last section of the number.
  • If you change the invoice number on the client invoice to a larger number, Ajera enters that number here.
  • If you are automatically assigning numbers by Project or Client, you enter the last invoice number used when setting up a project or setting up a client.

Invoice accounting date

Select Invoice Date or Billing Cutoff Date to reflect revenue on financial statements.

For example, when you bill October time and expense on November 10, do you want the billed revenue to appear on your October or November financials? If November, you would select the Invoice Date.

Invoice and statement logo

Select the image you want to print on client invoices, statements, and credit memos. If you leave it blank, only your company name appears.

When you upload the logo, Ajera converts it into a .PNG format, which is the most reliable and compact bitmap format. For efficient performance, Ajera resizes logo files larger than 2 million pixels to 2 million pixels.

  1. Prepare your logo.  
  2. Click and select the file you created when preparing your logo.

Invoice header text

Enter text that you want to print on the invoice below the client mailing address.

  • You can change header text for invoices of a specific project in the > Manage > Project Command Center> Project Info tab > Invoice subtab > Header Text field.
  • You can change header text for a specific invoice in the > Manage > Client Invoices > Text & Amounts tab > Header field.
  • If the field for header text is blank on the Project or Client Invoice window, the text entered here automatically appears in those fields. If it is the same as this text, and you change this text, then Ajera updates the Project and/or Client Invoice windows.
  • If you do not want the text to wrap to the second line on the invoice, press the Enter key where you want the first line to end.
  • If needed, you can automatically include a date, such as the current billing cutoff date, in the text.
  • If you leave this field blank, header text only prints on the invoice if you enter it on the Project window or the Client Invoice window.
  • If the header text is longer than two full lines on the invoice, the fold line on the invoice becomes misaligned with the address window on the envelope.
  • Header text only prints on invoices if the Print project text check box is selected on the Invoice Format window.

Invoice footer text

Enter text that prints only on the last page of the invoice. You may choose to use it to print a holiday greeting or contract information.

  • You can change footer text for invoices of a specific project in the > Manage > Project Command Center> Project Info tab > Invoice subtab > Footer Text field.
  • You can change footer text for a specific invoice in the > Manage > Client Invoices > Text & Amounts tab > Footer field. 
  • If the field for footer text is blank on the Project or Client Invoice window, the text entered here automatically appears in those fields. If it is the same as this text, and you change this text, then Ajera updates the Project and/or Client Invoice windows.
  • If you leave this field blank, footer text prints on the invoice only if you enter it on the Project window or the Client Invoice window.
  • If needed, you can automatically include a date, such as the current billing cutoff date, in the text.


Apply sales tax

Select this check box if you are required to bill sales tax on any of your client invoices.

Override the employee's standard employee type

Select this check box to be able to replace a standard employee type description on an invoice. For example, the project manager performs work as a drafter on a specific project and you want that time to appear on the invoice as being for a drafter, not a project manager.

When you select this check box, a column is added to the rate table so you can enter a new description for billing purposes. However, the employee's standard employee type remains on the cost for and other management reports.

Finance charges:

Create finance charges

Select this check box if you want to be able to assess finance charges for outstanding balances on client invoices.

Annual percentage rate

Enter the percentage rate to use for calculating finance charges.

You can override this percentage rate for a specific client by entering a rate for the client through the > Setup > Clients menu.

Minimum balance

Enter the lowest outstanding balance on a client's project that you want to assess finance charges on.

For example, to create finance charges only on a client's project with outstanding balances of $50 or more, you enter 50 here.

Minimum finance charge

Enter the minimum finance charge that you want to bill for a client's project. For example, if Ajera calculates a finance charge of $7.50 and the amount you enter here is $10, then the finance charge to be billed to the client for the project is $10.

Grace period days

Enter the number of days an invoice balance is outstanding before Ajera creates finance charges against it.

Finance charge start date

Enter the date when you want Ajera to start calculating finance charges. Ajera uses this date to calculate days outstanding the first time you create finance charges. If you leave this date blank, Ajera uses the invoice date.

For example, if you want to start calculating finance charges in July, enter a date of 6/30/2007.


Labor markups

Select DPE, Overhead, Profit, G&A and Other Labor to be able to mark up labor to reflect these associated costs when setting billing rates. These options are available from the top down so that an option after the first option is available only if you select the option before it.

Change the description for these items to better fit your company's needs, if necessary, by typing the new description to the right of the check box.

Use add-on

Select to activate the add-on field and the Activity Add-on on the Labor tab in the Billing Rate Table.

Change the description for these items to better fit your company's needs, if necessary, by typing the new description to the right of the check box.

Expense markups

Select G&A, Profit, and Other Expenses to be able to mark up expenses to reflect these associated costs when setting billing rates. These options are available from the top down so that an option after the first option is available only if you select the option before it.

Change the description for these items to better fit your company's needs, if necessary, by typing the new description to the right of the check box.

Consultant markups

Select G&A, Profit, and Other Consultant to be able to mark up consultant expenses to reflect these associated costs when setting billing rates. These options are available from the top down so that an option after the first option is available only if you select the option before it.

Change the description for these items to better fit your company's needs, if necessary, by typing the new description to the right of the check box.