You are here: Ajera Help (A-Z) > company preferences > Including a date in client invoice header or footer text

Including a date in client invoice header or footer text

When entering text for the client invoice header or footer, you can include a date that Ajera automatically updates for you.

For example, you may want to print the current billing cutoff date in header text as follows: Professional services through 11/30/2010.

To include a date in header or footer text

  1. In the > Setup > Company > Preferences > Billing tab > Invoice Header Text field or Invoice Footer Text field, enter the text and the correct Ajera database name for the date. For the billing cutoff date, the database name is [gInvoiceCutoffDate].

For example, you type the following in the field: Professional services through [gInvoiceCutoffDate]

For this example, the billing cutoff date is 11/30/2010, so this prints on the invoice: Professional services through 11/30/2010.

  1. Unless you specify a specific date format, Ajera formats the date as mm/dd/yyyy such as 11/30/2010.

For example, [gInvoiceCutoffDate-fMMMM dd,yyyy] results in a date formatted as follows: November 30, 2010.

You must enter the date format options exactly as shown, in uppercase or lowercase:

Date option Description Example

Displays the month as a number

Single-digit months, such as May, appear without the leading zero.

5 for May

Displays the month as a number

Single-digit months, such as May, appear with the leading zero.

05 for May
MMM Displays the abbreviated text name of the month Oct for October
MMMM Displays the full name of the month October for October

Displays the date

Single-digit dates, such as 9, appear without the leading zero.


Displays the date

Single-digit dates, such as 9, appear with the leading zero.

ddd Displays the abbreviated text name of the day Mon
dddd Displays the full name of the day Monday

Displays the year as one or two digits

Single-digit years, such as 9, appear without the leading zero.


Displays the year as two digits

Single-digit years, such as 9, appear with the leading zero.

yyyy Displays the year as four digits 2010



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