Manage Client Receipts (Deposits tab) window

Use the Deposits tab of this window to create or change a deposit.

A list of deposits appears after you click the Deposits tab.

A list of receipts pending deposit appears after you click the New Deposit button.

List of deposits (appears after clicking the Deposits tab)

These fields are view only.

Field Description


The bank of the account where you made the deposit


The date you made the deposit at the bank


Any ID or description you entered for the deposit


The number of receipts included in the deposit


The total amount of the deposit


If this check box is selected, the deposit was cleared on the bank register

Indicates whether there are any attachments, which are made by linking to related files

The column displays if there are no attachments, and if there are attachments.

List of receipts (appears after clicking the New Deposit button or double-clicking an existing deposit)

Field Description

Bank account

The bank account where you deposit the funds

Deposit date

The date when you make the deposit at your bank


Any ID or description that you can enter to help you identify the deposit


Any notes about the deposit

Click to add, change, or open attachments.

Linked files must be in a shared location for other people to open them (for example, on a shared network or a website).


Displays the date of the receipt

Receipt type

Displays if the receipt is a client receipt or a miscellaneous receipt


Displays the client who is making this payment to you


Displays the amount of the receipt


Displays the method of payment, such as check or electronic funds transfer (EFT)


Any identification number for the receipt, such as a check number or routing ID. This ID appears on statements and aging reports.


The ABA number you write on the bank deposit slip for the receipt. On a check, the ABA number appears in the upper right area. It uniquely identifies the receipt.


If selected, the receipt is included in the deposit.

New deposit

Existing deposit

Appears below the table to indicate that you are entering a new deposit or viewing an existing deposit

Total receipts

Displays the total of all receipts on the list

Total deposit

Displays the total of all receipts associated to this deposit