You are here: Ajera Help (A-Z) > attachments > Opening attachments

Opening attachments

Before you begin

  • If an attachment is highlighted in red, you cannot open it because of one of the following causes:
  • The linked file no longer exists.
  • You do not have permission to view the file.
  • You did not enter the full URL (beginning with http:// or https://).

Correct by first unattaching the attachment and doing one of the following:

  • Find the file and relink to it.
  • Contact your network administrator for permission.
  • Enter the full URL.

To open an attachment

  1. In the Ajera window, click the Attachments tab or button.
  2. Click the attachment.
  3. Click the Open button.

You can also double-click in the row, except in the Category and Description columns, to open an attachment.



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