You are here: Ajera Help (A-Z) > bank register > Entering a bank transfer

Entering a bank transfer

To enter a bank transfer

  1. From the > Manage menu, click Bank Register.
  2. Select the bank account for the transfer you want to enter.
  3. On a blank row in the table, enter the date of the transfer.
  4. For the type, select Bank Transfer.
  5. If you use multi-company, you can also select Intercompany Transfer if you selected a bank account, not a credit card account, in Step 2. For more information, see Entering an intercompany bank transfer.
  1. Type the reference number of the transfer.
  2. Type the amount of the transfer in either the Payments or Deposits field, and press the Tab key.
  3. Depending on whether you entered a payment or bank deposit, either the To Bank or From Bank field appears. Select the bank that you are transferring funds to, or the bank that you are receiving funds from.

The table now contains the debit and credit accounts.

  1. Click Save.
  2. Click Close.



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