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Bank Entries report

Use this report to review entries in your bank register for bank accounts and credit card accounts.




Producing the report

From the > Reports menu, click Bank Register > Bank Entries.

Report options

Option Description

Bank Account

The report contains information for all bank accounts and credit card accounts unless you select a specific account in this field.

Date Range

The report contains information for the current month, unless you select a different time period in this field.

After changing report options, click (Refresh). 

Customize options

Option Description

Report title

You can change the title of the report.


Prints information for a cash or accrual accounting basis.

Entry type

Prints all entries or only the type of entry you select. Each option is prefaced with a code to indicate if it is for a bank account or credit card:

  • BA: Bank account
  • CC: Credit card

Cleared status

Prints all entries or only those with a status of Cleared or Outstanding.

Use drilldown

If selected, you drill down to show detail.

If cleared, the report opens already showing information for bank entries, and you drill down to show the bank entry detail.

Print customize options on report

If selected, it prints a list of the options that you select.

Include import Is checked if the item is associated with a credit card import detail item

Report contents

Column Description


The date of the entry


The type of entry (such as check, EFT, deposit, and so on)


For payments, the vendor or employee receiving the payment.

For credit card charges, the employee making the charge.

Check Number

Appears for a bank account - The check number


Appears for a credit card account - The company where you made a charge


The additional identifier you entered for the transaction. Some transactions do not have references.


Appears for a bank account - The amount of the payment


Appears for a credit card account - The amount charged on the credit card


Appears for a bank account - For deposits, the amount of the deposit


Appears for a credit card - Payments made to the credit card company


If selected, it indicates that the entry was voided.


If selected, it indicates that the entry was cleared.

Drill down:

Account ID

The ID of the financial account in your chart of accounts that is affected by the entry

Account Description

The name of the financial account


The department associated with the entry


The amount of the debit entry


The amount of the credit entry



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