You are here: Ajera Help (A-Z) > finance charges > Creating finance charges

Creating finance charges

Ajera creates finance charges based on the criteria you set up in > Setup > Company > Preferences. You can then change the amount of the finance charge or delete it. Ajera includes the finance charge in any statements you send to the client.

To create finance charges

  1. From the > Manage menu, click Finance Charges.
  1. Multi-company only. Select a company.
  2. In the Finance Charge Date field, either leave the current date or change it. When creating finance charges, Ajera includes all outstanding balances older than this date minus the number of grace period days. This date appears on client statements and reports. It also serves as the accounting date.
  3. Ajera automatically prefixes all finance charge reference numbers with FC- so that you can easily identify them. To include a special identifier, enter it in the Reference Number field.

If you want Ajera to append 0001 to the end of the first reference number and then increment it sequentially for subsequent finance charges, select the Increment reference number check box.

More about numbering finance charges

  1. Enter any notes for the finance charges you create in this session.
  2. Create finance charges as follows:
For Do this

A specific client

In the Client field, enter the client name.

A specific project

In the Project field, enter the project name.

All clients

Click the All Clients button.

Based on your selection, Ajera creates the finance charges and displays them in the table.

  1. To change a finance charge, change information in the fields, as needed.
  2. To delete a finance charge, click the row, and click the Delete button.
  3. Click Save. The finance charges you created appear on your client statements and on reports. They also appear on the Existing tab of the > Manage > Finance Charges window and on the > Manage > Client Receipts window.



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