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About numbering finance charges

Ajera restarts automatic numbering when you do any of the following:

  • Click Save or Cancel and create a new set of finance charges.
  • Close the Manage Finance Charge window and open it again to create a new set of finance charges.

Assign same number for all

To assign all finance charges the same identifier:

For the numbers to

Do this

All be FC

Example: FC

  1. Do not select the Increment reference number check box.
  2. Leave the Reference Number field blank.

All consist of FC-followed by an identifier you enter

Example: FC-Aug2010

  1. Do not select the Increment reference number check box.
  2. Enter information in the Reference Number field.

Assign unique numbers

To create a unique, sequential number for each finance charge:

For the numbers to

Do this

Consist of FC-followed by an automatically generated sequential number

Example: FC-0001, FC-0002, and so on

  1. Select the Increment reference number check box.
  2. Leave the Reference Number field blank.

Consist of FC-followed by an identifier you enter, and then an automatically generated sequential number

Example: FC-Aug2010-0001, FC-Aug2010-0002, and so on

  1. Select the Increment reference number check box.
  2. Enter information in the Reference Number field.

If you enter more than seven characters, Ajera truncates the reference number.

For example, if you enter November2010, the first number prints as FC-Novembe-0001.



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