Special Service Requests

These Service Requests must be made through a Deltek Support Center case.

  • RESTful API Access Details — The Maconomy REST API is the only way that integration is supported in both Essentials and Flex cloud solutions. Before beginning work on an Integration with your Consulting team you will need to request the access details for the RESTFul API. This request should be submitted as a Support Case. A template has been provided here for your convenience:
    • Open the Deltek Support Center and click Submit Case.
    • Use the following template to create your RNT ticket:

      Product > Maconomy - Maconomy Solutions

      Severity Level > S4 - General

      Summary > "FAO DCO: Access Details for the RESTFul API"

      Detail > "Please provide us with connection details for the RESTful API Environment Name: Insert name of Environment/s here. Options are Development, Test, or Production."

    • Click Continue.
    • Click Finish Submitting Case.
  • Database Backup Request — In the event that a backup copy of a Maconomy database is needed, a request can be made by the SaaS Administrator to have a database backup shipped to the customer or restored to another environment. When making such a request, it is important to include the point in time from which the backup is to be pulled. All backup database requests will be transmitted via secure FTP. Customers are allowed 4 database backup requests annually. Database backup requests are typically completed within 3 business days.

  • Danish Bookkeeping Act Data Retention Opt-In — If customers represent a commercial enterprise, of any kind, registered in Denmark, as well as, any commercial enterprise abroad that conducts commercial activities in Denmark, you will need to inform Deltek of your need to comply with the Danish Bookkeeping Act. Please use the support case template below to do so.

    This request must only be raised on 1 (one) occasion, to confirm that you opt-in to the DBA data retention requirements. Upon receipt of this request, Deltek will take additional steps to ensure the database backups for your production database adhere to the rules provided by the Danish Business Authority. The accessibility of the DBA-related database backups will be restricted to Deltek and the Danish Business Authority.

    A template has been provided here for your convenience:

    • Open the Deltek Support Center and click Submit Case.
    • Use the following template to create your RNT ticket:

      Product > Maconomy - Maconomy Solutions

      Severity Level > S4 - General

      Issue Type >Application

      Summary > "FAO DCO: Danish Bookkeeping Act Data Retention Opt-In"

      "My organization would like to acknowledge that we are a commercial enterprise whom are required to comply with the Danish Bookkeeping Act. In doing so, we request that Deltek retain our data in conjunction with the regulatory requirements set forth by the Danish Business Authority. We acknowledge that, upon written request, the Danish Business Authority may receive access to our company data as per the requirements set forth in the Danish Bookkeeping Act."

    • Click Continue.
    • Click Finish Submitting Case.