Environments Defined

This section provides a documented description of services Deltek provides as part of the Cloud offerings . Certain features of the service are only available in premium offerings. Check with your account manager or your customer success manager if you are interested in obtaining services that you do not have in your current offering, additional subscription fees may apply.

Types of Environments

There are a number of different types of application environments that are available in Deltek’s SaaS offerings. By our definition an Environment is the collection of software and infrastructure necessary to operate one of Deltek’s SaaS products. This includes shared security services, monitoring, web and application servers, database servers, operating systems, storage, memory, and networks. Each environment can have one or more customer-specific database instances associated with it, which may or may not require additional subscription fees.

Each of these environments has a specific purpose and are available with specific offerings. There may be additional subscription costs to gain access to some of the environments below.

Production Environments

All Deltek SaaS services provide a production environment that is held to the highest operational standard. These environment instances are highly secure and managed under strict control. Only authorized Deltek Cloud Operations employees are allowed access to the infrastructure and application layers of the solution. Customer access is provisioned through the application front end only or through very specific tightly-controlled methods, such as an application-specific API layer. These environments serve as the focal point for Disaster Recovery replication and backup procedures. Customers generally only have one production instance unless they are running more than one company or entity under separate subscriptions.

Non-Production Environments

Any application environment that is not designated for live production use is by nature a non-production environment. Service levels for non-production environments differ in several ways from production environment. For example, a severity 1 service incident is meant for a production down scenario. Because non-production environments are not production, the highest level severity for any incident is a severity 2. There are other key aspects to the service that are either different or do not apply to certain non-production environments, including but not inclusive of; back up and retention, DR, access management, level of access, performance, uptime, and service levels.

Implementation Non-Production Environments

The purpose of this type of non-production environment is to facilitate a customer implementation. In Essentials and Flex offerings, this environment is only available during implementation. Availability for these databases and service level objectives will be treated the same as non-production environments.

Preview Environments

Deltek Enterprise and Flex offerings allow customers to request a preview environment prior to the release of a new version of the software. This can be used for testing customer-specific extensions or configurations in a new version without disruption of current test or development non-production environments. Availability for these databases and service level objectives will be treated the same as non-production environments.