Raise a Service Request

You can raise a Service Request to assign access and to request for administrator account changes. Service Requests are routine requests for actions to your environments. The majority of actions will be performed as a result of such requests (Support Cases should only be raised for Issues in the environments or one off processes where a Service Request does not exist).

Note: As the SaaS Administrator, you will be responsible for raising Service Requests in the Deltek Support Center. It is also possible to allow your Implementer to raise Service Requests on your behalf. To do so please use the Add Additional SaaS Administrator service request.

To raise a Service Request:

  1. Login to https://deltek.custhelp.com.
  2. Click on Cloud Solutions and select Maconomy Enterprise.
  3. The Service Requests are listed in the bottom right hand corner of the screen.
  4. Choose the correct Service Request.
  5. Enter the requested details.
  6. Submit the Service Request.