13.3 CU06 Software Issues Resolved

This section contains descriptions of the software issues that have been fixed in this release.

Finance & Administration

General Ledger - Journals - Deleting Cell Values Using Delete or Backspace Keys
  • Deltek Tracking No. 2036735
  • Description: When you had a row selected in journal entries, and you pressed the Delete or Backspace key to remove a value in a single cell, the values in the entire row were removed.
  • Additional Notes: When you modify the value in the Amount cell, the corresponding values in the VAT, Currency rate, Amount - Currency, and VAT/Tax - Currency cells are also updated as expected. Similarly, modifying the value in the AR/AP VAT cell updates the corresponding values in the VAT and VAT/Tax - Currency cells. However, the updated values are not displayed in the entire row unless you press the Enter key or select a different cell in another row, similar to updating a drop-down field.
General Ledger - Journals - Selecting Multiple Rows in Journals
  • Deltek Tracking No. 2033144
  • Description: When you attempted to select multiple journal entries, the selected entries were not highlighted; instead, only the line where the cursor was pointing was selected.
  • Additional Notes: You can select multiple rows by pressing the Shift key while clicking each row, or by dragging the mouse while selecting multiple rows.