Software Issues Resolved
This section contains descriptions of the software issues that have been fixed in this release.
Finance & Administration
Cost Entry – Basic Users can Access Expense Entry Information on other Users through API
- Deltek Tracking No. 1573121
- Description: When as a Basic User you invoked the ExpenseEntriesVisualizationRequest API request-for example, via the Postman application-you could see expense entry data for everyone else in the Company for which you had Financial Administration access.
Creditors – Creditor Invoices – Incorrect Message when Appending Purchase Orders that do not use Unit and Amount Specification on Detail Level
- Deltek Tracking No. 1581419
- Description: When you appended a Purchase Order (PO) to a creditor invoice that you were creating, and the creditor invoice did not use Unit and Amount Specification on Detail Level, a WorkBook message dialog appeared with an incorrect message that there was no amount left on the PO.
- Workaround before Fix: In the WorkBook message dialog, confirm that you want to create the creditor invoice, anyway.
Creditors – Creditor Invoices – Deadlock with API VendorInvoiceSalesTaxesRequest – Integration with Concur to WorkBook Processing of Data
- Deltek Tracking No. 1594341
- Description: When you pushed data from Concur to WorkBook, a deadlock occurred when Sales Tax, Total Amount, or Net Amount values were updated.
- Workaround before Fix: Add error handling in the code that performs the integration, so that if the following error message is displayed, it retries the request: The system is busy, and your changes may have been reversed. Please try again.
Creditors – Creditor Invoices – Invalid Tasks not Displayed with Parentheses
- Deltek Tracking No. 1574929
- Description: When you updated costing code settings, invalid jobs, task IDs, and descriptions were not displayed with parentheses.
Creditors – Creditor Invoices – Task Drop-Down List is Empty when Valid Tasks Exist for Selected Job
- Deltek Tracking No. 1574930
- Description: When you selected a task that had a valid job in Creditor Invoices, the task drop-down list appeared to be empty. You needed to do a refresh to make tasks appear in the drop-down list.
Creditors – Creditor Invoices – Task Selection does not Validate Costing Codes Allow on Task Setting
- Deltek Tracking No. 1570167
- Description: When you updated a costing code setup on the task level, tasks with costing codes Allow on Task setting applied on creditor invoices were displayed highlighted in red and in parentheses.
- Customers Impacted: Customers who use version 13.1.
Creditors – Creditor Invoices –Update or Change to Job Dimension on Detail Line Causes Deadlock
- Deltek Tracking No. 1570316
- Description: When you tried to update or change the job dimension on the detail line of a creditor invoice, it caused a deadlock that prevented any update to the job field.
- Customers Impacted: Customers who use version 13.1.
Creditors – Creditor Invoices – Updating Total Amounts without a Job Causes a Deadlock
- Deltek Tracking No. 1570238
- Description: When you updated the Total amount on a creditor invoice without a selected job, a deadlock occurred.
- Customers Impacted: Customers who use creditor invoices without selecting jobs or with Operating Entry as the Line Type.
- Workaround before Fix: Set the value of Line Type to Project Entry, instead of Operating Entry.
Creditors – Creditor Invoices – VendorInvoiceDeleteRequest – Delete skipCheck Property
- Deltek Tracking No. 1602402
- Description: The skipCheck property enables users to skip all of the checks for deletions of creditor invoices. Access to this property is now reserved for internal use.
- Customers Impacted: Customers who use the API.
Creditors – Creditor List – Report 219 (Balance Creditor by Age 0-90) · Data Missing from XLSX Formatted Version
- Deltek Tracking No. 1568986
- Description: When you printed and downloaded Report 219 as XLSX formatted, data in gray rows of the report was missing.
Creditors – Creditor Payment Proposals – Report 262 (Creditor Payment Procurement) – MD5 Code is Missing
- Deltek Tracking No. 1569797
- Description: When you printed Report 262, the MD5 code was missing from the report when the payment proposal was journalized, and a file was generated.
- Customers Impacted: Customers who use SEPA payments, because they use the MD5 code that was not generated.
- Additional Notes: While it was primarily SEPA payments that were affected, the MD5 code is supposed to be generated in all payment types.
Creditors – Creditor Voucher Pages – Error when there is a Large Number of Creditors in the WorkBook System
- Deltek Tracking No. 1625493
- Description: If you entered creditor voucher pages-such as the Creditor Invoices and Vouchers for Approval pages-when there were more than 100,000 creditors in your WorkBook system, an error occurred.
- Customers Impacted: Customers who have a very large number of creditors in their WorkBook systems.
General Ledger – Chart of Accounts Report 567 (Balance Sheet with Comparison Columns) – XLSX Formatted Version is Corrupted
- Deltek Tracking No. 1569012
- Description: When you printed and downloaded Report 567 as XLSX formatted, the Excel file was corrupted, and you encountered an error when you tried to open it.
General Ledger – Financial Budget – Financial Budget Disappears when English-Custom is Selected as System Language
- Deltek Tracking No. 1572342
- Description: When you selected English-Custom from the System Language field drop-down list in My Settings » Language & Formatting Options » Language, all of the tabs under Financial Budget disappeared.
General Ledger – Journals –Journal Entry Tab – Cannot See Full Bottom Pane when Making Journal Entry
- Deltek Tracking No. 1596555
- Description: When you accessed the Journal Entry tab on the Journals page (via Finance & Administration > General Ledger > Journals > Journal Entry tab), the bottom pane was very small, and you could not resize it.
- Additional Notes: The
Show / Hide Account Summary button is added in the center pane of the Journal Entry tab so that you can expand or hide the account summary in the bottom pane.
General Ledger – Journals – Missing Approvers in the Approval Log after Secondary Approver Approval
- Deltek Tracking No. 1579960
- Description: When a secondary approver (role 40) approved a journal entry to Status-40, the approval log did not display the secondary approver time stamp.
- Workaround before Fix: Ignore the approvals log.
General Ledger – Revenue Forecast (RF) – RF and Price Quote (PQ) are Balanced, but Tooltip is Displayed and Cell Row is Highlighted
- Deltek Tracking No. 1597865
- Description: When the RF method was RF and PA Amount Must Balance, and the RF and PQ were balanced, the cell row was highlighted in red, and the tooltip displayed the message Forecast must equal total price quotes. The cell row should not be highlighted in red, and the tooltip should not be displayed when the RF and PQ are balanced.
Reports – Report 316 (Trial Balance with Dimension Split) and Report 571 (Trial Balance) – Misspellings
- Deltek Tracking No. 1569956
- Description: When you printed Report 361, the Switch +/- signs parameter was misspelled. When you printed Report 571 the Hide Horizontal Lines between Accounts parameter was misspelled.
Quick Search – Finance Element – System Issue and Icon Issue
- Deltek Tracking No. 1605469
- Description: When you did a Quick Search in the Finance Element, a system error occurred. In addition, the returned results displayed labels, rather than icons.
- Additional Notes: There are two related issues:
- The system error, which is caused by corrupted data, with Journals having Source Type set to 0 in the database.
- The icons for the results that are returned are not displayed; labels are displayed, instead.
Sending SMTP Emails does not Work because of TLS Error
- Deltek Tracking No. 1591879
- Description: You could not send SMTP emails because a TLS error occurred.
Delivery Jobs still Process Cancelled Price Quotes (PQs)
- Deltek Tracking No. 1579498
- Description: When a PQ on a delivery job was set to the status Cancelled, and the job was moved to the status Ready for Invoicing, the delivery job still created an invoice on the delivery job and still sent a credit note to the master job.
Cannot Move Vouchers lacking Finance Accounts between Jobs
- Deltek Tracking No. 1570330
- Description: When you tried to move a voucher that did not have a Finance account to a job where the expenditure account was not set to Needed, WorkBook blocked that operation.
Price Quote (PQ) – Lines – System Issue Error
- Deltek Tracking No. 1569688
- Description: When you edited a PQ line and saved, an error occurred.
Price Quote (PQ) – Print Layout – Show VAT/Show Tax Check Box is Displayed when VAT/Tax is not Enabled in PQ Settings
- Deltek Tracking No. 508954
- Description: The Show VAT/Show Tax check box was displayed even when you did not enable VAT/Tax in your PQ settings.
Tasks – Scheduling – Cannot Book new Employee with no Capacity Profile
- Deltek Tracking No. 1570335
- Description: You could not book employees if they had no capacity profiles at the start of the task period.
- Workaround before Fix: Add a new task on the job and book the employee there.
Report 48 (Gantt View 18 Months) – Incorrect Display
- Deltek Tracking No. 1569211
- Description: When you ran Report 548, the painted bars did not match the task's start and end dates. In addition, tasks that did not have task colors were not included on the report.
Report 263 (Employee Holiday and Flex View) and Report 342 (Flex and Absence List) did not Show all Absences when Using Danish Holiday Act
- Deltek Tracking No. 1571618
- Description: Reports 263 and 342 did not show all absences when using Danish Holiday Act for overlapping vacation periods.
- Additional Notes: A new optional report parameter—DHA Base Holiday Period on Vacation Year, not Absence Date—is added for customers who want to display only absences on the associated holiday period.
Absence Reports – Report 173 (Holiday Yearly Overview) and Report 188 (Holiday Specification – Year) – Danish Holiday Act – Only Absences from Current Holiday Period are Displayed
- Deltek Tracking No. 1570072
- Description: When you ran Reports 173 and 188 with the Danish Holiday Act: Base Holiday Period on Vacation Year: No Absence Date option selected, only absences from the current holiday period were displayed.
- Workaround before Fix: Block the vacation year or transfer unused vacation.
Absence Reports – Report 263 (Employee Holiday and Flex View) – Danish Holiday Act – Shows Incorrect Values for Holidays and Leave
- Deltek Tracking No. 1570208
- Description: Report 263 showed incorrect values for holiday and leave hours.
Capacity – Recalculating Capacity Removes Days with Absence Entries in Capacity Overview and Timeline Calendar
- Deltek Tracking No. 1574103
- Description: When you recalculated the capacity for a day with an absence entry, the absence entry day was removed from the Capacity Overview and the Calendar and Timeline Calendar views.
Capacity Profile – Capacity Profile Exceptions are not Displayed for Employees who do not have Access to WorkBook
- Deltek Tracking No. 1582204
- Description: When you created a capacity profile exception for a fixed day off, it was not correctly displayed on different calendar views when the resource had the license type Employee does not have Access to WorkBook.
Employee Card – Changing Employment Start Date Causes Timeout
- Deltek Tracking No. 1570882
- Description: When Danish Holiday Act rules were turned on for a Company, changing an employee's employment start date caused a timeout.
- Workaround before Fix: Turn Danish Holiday Act off. Change the start dates of employees, then you can re-enable Danish Holiday Act rules.
Employee Settings Grid – Enabling/Disabling Inactive Users in the Filter Invalidates other Filter Choices
- Deltek Tracking No. 1569559
- Description: When you selected a Company in the Resource Type Filter field, and you selected or deselected the Hide Inactive Resources option after that, the grid displayed corresponding active and/or inactive employees, but it also included employees from other Companies that were not part of the filter.
Resource Card – Absence Type is not Displayed in Absence Requests
- Deltek Tracking No. 1578824
- Description: When you viewed absence requests for users in other Companies, absence types were not displayed.
Settings – Capacity Profile – Capacity is Deleted on Last Working Day when Employee is Deactivated
- Deltek Tracking No. 1584954
- Description: When you deactivated an employee, the last working day capacity of the employee was set to 0.
Timeline Calendar – Moving from one Month to the next Lands at the End of the next Month
- Deltek Tracking No. 1598293
- Description: In the timeline calendar, when you selected a date or used the previous/next arrows to navigate, the page kept its previous scroll position instead of being updated.
- Additional Notes: This is changed so that the page scrolls to the selected date, or to the start/end of the period when you navigate using the previous/next arrows.
Creditor Payment Proposal – Misspelling of ACH
- Deltek Tracking No. 1569212
- Description: When you added the Automated Clearing House creditor proposal type to the grid, there was a spelling error in the code: ACH was spelled AHC.
- Customers Impacted: Customers who use the Automated Clearing House creditor proposal type.
Storage Provider
Attached Job Documents Disappear after Upgrade to Version 13.0
- Deltek Tracking No. 1570291
- Description: When you upgraded from WorkBook version 12.2 to WorkBook version 13.0, all of the attached files on Job Documents disappeared.
- Additional Notes: This happened because a space was missing between the folder name and the job name.
Azure Hot Folder Agent does not Work if More than Ten Folders in Email
- Deltek Tracking No. 1570305
- Description: When the Voucher Hot Azure Folder agent ran (Agent Type 170) targeting an email source folder that is alphabetically more than the tenth folder, the agent returned the message Input Folder was not Found.
- Customers Impacted: Customers who use Agent Type 170, using an email with many folders.
- Workaround before Fix: Choose an earlier (than tenth) folder, alphabetically.
- Additional Notes: It is important to note that the "more than ten folders" requirement to experience this bug is per level, meaning that for every sub-folder, the folder count resets.
Add Task – Cannot Delete Costing Code when Company Variable is Set to 2
- Deltek Tracking No. 1591535
- Description: When you create a task, you can select a costing code. However, later you could not remove it—there was no x button—if Company Variable 73 was set to 2 (Required on Jobs, Optional on Tasks).
Time Entry Timer – Cannot Stop Timer unless Job and Task have Valid Costing Code if Required
- Deltek Tracking No. 1570205
- Description: When Company Variable 73 was set to 3, and you stopped the timer on a time entry that had a job and task that did not have a valid costing code, WorkBook displayed the following error message: No jobs with costing codes. Please refer to Company Variable 73.
Time & Expense
Timesheet – Costing Codes are not Marked Invalid on Timesheets
- Deltek Tracking No. 1588452
- Description: When Company Variable 73 was set to 1, 2, or 3, and the costing code that was assigned to the job/task on your time entry did not have Company or Client access, the costing code value on the timesheet grid was not highlighted in red.
Whereabout – Error when Adding All-Day Whereabouts
- Deltek Tracking No. 1632658
- Description: When the value of Company Variable 74 (Require Employees to Track Time Using Whereabout) was 1 (Not Required), and you added an all-day whereabout with interval to an available date from the past, the following error message was displayed: Time Needs to be Specified as Time Interval Format.
Parent Topic: 13.2