13.1 CU02 Known Issues

This section contains information that you should know about issues that are not yet resolved.

Finance & Administration

Vouchers - Cannot Move Vouchers that do not have Finance Accounts between Jobs
  • Deltek Tracking No. 1583114
  • Description: When you try to move a voucher that does not have a Finance account to a job where the Expenditure account is not set to Needed, WorkBook blocks the move operation.


Error when Accessing WorkBook through Browser on Mobile Device
  • Deltek Tracking No. 1583104
  • Description: When you access WorkBook 13.1 in a browser on a mobile device, you encounter an error when you log in using WorkBook version 13.1.
  • Additional Notes: This error only occurs when you access WorkBook 13.1 in a browser on a mobile device. It does not occur when you use the WorkBook mobile app.


Add Task - Cannot Delete Costing Code when Company Variable is Set to 2
  • Deltek Tracking No. 1591535
  • Description: When you create a task, you can select a costing code. However, later you cannot remove it—there is no x button—if Company Variable is set to 2 (Required on Jobs, Optional on Tasks).
Time Entry Timer - Cannot Stop the Timer unless the Job and Task have Valid Costing Codes (If Required)
  • Deltek Tracking No. 1581437
  • Description: When Company Variable 73 is set to 3, and you stop the timer on a time entry that has a job and task that do not have a valid costing code, WorkBook displays the following error message: No jobs with costing codes. Please refer to company variable 73.

Time & Expense

Timesheet - Change Task Drop-Down does not Filter on Costing Code
  • Deltek Tracking No. 1583234
  • Description: When you change a time entry's task, and Company Variable 73 is set to 3, tasks that have invalid costing codes are still displayed in the Task drop-down list.
Timesheet - Costing Codes are not Marked Invalid on Timesheets
  • Deltek Tracking No. 1588452
  • Description: When Company Variable 73 is set to 1, 2, or 3, and the costing code that is assigned to the job/task on your time entry does not have Company or Client access, the costing code value on the timesheet grid is not highlighted in red.
Expense Entries Message Displayed when You Change Creditors with Different Companies when Task is Set
  • Deltek Tracking No. 1591074
  • Description: When you try to change the selected creditor for an expense entry to a creditor of another Company, WorkBook displays an incorrect error message that the Company does not exist or is not active, if you already added a job and task to the respective fields of the expense entry.
  • Workaround before Fix: Clear the expense entry's Task field. You can then change the creditor.