Invoices on File Tab of the Intercompany Billing Form

Use this tab to review or print invoices generated by the intercompany billing process. This tab is available only if Vantagepoint is set up to use detailed subledgers.


Intercompany Billing Runs Grid

Use this grid to select the draft or final intercompany billing run for which you want to review or print invoices. When you select a run, the invoices generated by that run display in the Intercompany Invoices on File grid.

If one or more final runs have occurred for the active company and current accounting period, the grid contains all final runs. If no final runs have occurred, the grid contains the most recent draft run for the active company and current accounting period, if one exists.

Field Description
Click this icon to expand the grid to a full-screen display. This expanded view reduces the need to scroll through long lists of records. Click this icon again to return to a standard grid display. For more information, see Maximize the Grid View.
Click this icon to export all the data from the grid to a comma-separated values (.csv) file that you save in Microsoft Excel or another spreadsheet application that supports .csv files. For more information, see Exporting Data to a .csv File.
Click this icon to display the column filter options. Use the filter options to restrict the grid contents. For more information, see Filter the Grid Results.
Sequence For a final run, this column displays the file's posting sequence number, which is a unique internal number that identifies the posting. For a draft run, this field displays Draft.
Run Date This column displays the date on which the intercompany billing process was run.
Description For a draft intercompany billing run, this column displays Draft Run. For a final intercompany billing run, this column displays the description specified for that run in Run Description on the General tab.

Intercompany Invoices on File Grid

Use this grid to review a list of the invoices generated by the selected intercompany billing process. You can also review or print individual invoices.

Field Description
Click this icon to expand the grid to a full-screen display. This expanded view reduces the need to scroll through long lists of records. Click this icon again to return to a standard grid display. For more information, see Maximize the Grid View.
Click this icon to export all the data from the grid to a comma-separated values (.csv) file that you save in Microsoft Excel or another spreadsheet application that supports .csv files. For more information, see Exporting Data to a .csv File.
Click this icon to display the column filter options. Use the filter options to restrict the grid contents. For more information, see Filter the Grid Results.
Preview To preview one or more invoices, select the checkboxes on those invoice rows and then click this option. The invoices display in a single preview document in a report window. To print the preview document, click on the report window toolbar.

You can also click at the end an invoice row to preview and print that one invoice.

To view or print intercompany invoices from this Intercompany Billing tab, you must have security access that allows you to do the following:
  • Process intercompany billing in the originating company using the Intercompany Billing form
  • Process transactions in prior and closed fiscal periods

You can also preview and print invoices generated by the intercompany billing process from either the AR Review form in the Firms hub or the Invoices form in the Projects hub. To preview or print intercompany invoices from either of those locations, you do not need to have security access to Intercompany Billing, to the originating company, or to prior and closed fiscal periods.

Use the checkboxes in this column to select one or more invoices that you want to preview or print. Click Preview to display the selected invoices in a single preview document.

Select the checkbox at the top of a grid to select all invoices in the grid. If all the rows are already selected, select that checkbox to clear them. To select one or more individual invoices, rather than all of them, select the checkbox on each of those rows.

If you select some invoices and then, before you click Preview, you click to apply column filters to change the contents of the grid, a message asks if you want to clear the existing invoice selections. If you click Yes, your previous selections are removed. If you click No, those invoice selections remain, and those invoices will be included in the preview document, even if the rows are no longer visible in the grid after you apply filters.

Period This column displays the accounting period in which the intercompany billing process created the invoice.
Run Seq For a column run, this field displays the file's posting sequence number, which is a unique internal number that identifies the posting. For a draft run, this field displays Draft.
To Company This column displays the company that will receive the invoice and from which you expect payment.
Invoice If the invoice was produced by a final run, Vantagepoint displays the invoice number in this column.

If the invoice was produced by a draft run, Vantagepoint displays <Draft> in this column.

Invoice Date This column displays the date specified on the Invoice Options dialog box when the invoice was generated.
Invoice Template This column displays the invoice template that will be used if you display or print the invoice.

If you did not select an invoice template on the Invoice Options dialog box and a default invoice template is not specified for the two companies on the Subledger Terms tab of the Intercompany Billing Setup form, this column contains None. In that case, Vantagepoint uses its default invoice format when you display or print the invoice.

Invoice Project This column displays the project charged for the original labor or expense transactions on a timesheet or expense report.
Invoice Phase This column displays the phase charged for the original labor or expense transactions.
Invoice Task This column displays the task charged for the original labor or expense transactions.
Amount This column displays the amount charged for the labor or expense transactions.
Currency If you use multiple currencies, this column displays the three-character code representing the currency in which the invoice amount is expressed. This is the billing currency of the intercompany invoice project.
Link Project This column displays the identifier of the intercompany invoice project. It is set up specifically to facilitate intercompany invoices and has no effect on the general ledger. You set up intercompany invoice projects on a company-by-company basis.
Link Phase This column displays the identifier of the intercompany invoice phase.
Link Task This column displays the identifier of the intercompany invoice task.
Click this icon at the end of an invoice row to display that single draft or final invoice in a preview document. After you display the invoice in the report window, you can use the toolbar option to print it.

You can also use the checkboxes at the beginning of invoice rows to select one or multiple invoices that you want to preview. Click Preview to display those invoices in a single preview document in a report window.

To view or print intercompany invoices from this Intercompany Billing tab, you must have security access that allows you to do the following:
  • Process intercompany billing in the originating company using the Intercompany Billing form
  • Process transactions in prior and closed fiscal periods

You can also preview and print invoices generated by the intercompany billing process from either the AR Review form in the Firms hub or the Invoices form in the Projects hub. To preview or print intercompany invoices from either of those locations, you do not need to have security access to Intercompany Billing, to the originating company, or to prior and closed fiscal periods.