Set Up Access to Report Columns and Groups

As part of setting up a role's security access to reports, you can limit the role's access to certain report columns and groups.

Prerequisites: Set up access to reports.

To specify group and column security access for reports:

  1. In the Reports for this Role grid on the Access Rights tab of the Roles form, select the reports.
  2. To set up group security:
    1. In the Set Group Access column in the Reports for this Role grid, click the Set Group Access link for the report.
      If the report does not have grouping security options, the link is not displayed.
    2. On the Group Fields for <Report Name> dialog box, select grouping fields in the Available Fields section.
      The grouping fields are moved to the Selected Fields section, indicating that the security role can access them.
    3. To remove access to a field, click the at the end of its row.
    4. Click Apply.
  3. To set up column security:
    1. In the Set Column Access column in the Reports for this Role grid, click the Set Column Access link for the report.
      If the report does not have column security options, the link is not displayed.
    2. On the <Report Name> Columns dialog box, select columns in the Available Columns section.
      The columns are moved to the Selected Columns section, indicating that the security role can access them.
    3. To remove access to a column, click the at the end of its row.
    4. Click Apply.