Example: Create an Ad Hoc Selection Search

You can create ad hoc Selection searches using the Search Navigation Controls.

To build an ad hoc Selection search, you must first select either an existing saved search or a Selection search from the Saved Searches list.

The following example shows you how to create an ad hoc Selection search that is based on the standard search All on all Projects hub forms.

The standard search All returns all active, inactive, and dormant projects and uses the following criterion:

  • Status = Active, Inactive, Dormant AND

When you want to create a subset of just the active returned project records, you can build an ad hoc Selection search.

Example: Ad Hoc Selection Search

To set up this ad hoc Selection search:

Step Procedure Related Information
Access the Search Navigation Controls
1 On the Navigation pane, select Hubs > Projects > Project.
2 On the Projects form, navigate to the Saved Search control ( ), click to display the Saved Search (left) pane and the Record Selection (right) pane. For more about Search Navigation Controls, see Search Quick Reference and Search Navigation Controls.
Select a Saved Search Edit an Ad Hoc Search Selection in Saved Search
3 On the Saved Searches list, select the standard search All.
The Record Selection pane displays project records for which the Status = Active, Inactive, and Dormant.
Select a Subset of Project Records
4 On the Record Selection pane, slide the Select Multiple toggle to the On position ().
5 To view a subset of project records, select the checkbox for each record that you want to include in the ad hoc Selection search.
6 Click Done.
The word Selection indicates an ad hoc search. Selection displays in the Saved Search Control at the top of the form and in the Saved Searches list, which indicates an ad hoc search. Use the paging control to page through each record contained in this Selection search.

Only one ad hoc Selection is available at any given time and will remain unchanged until you either update it or create a new ad hoc search.