Generate a Belgian Tax Return File

Use Tax File Generation to produce a tax file that contains tax reporting information to send to the Belgium tax authorities.

To generate a tax file for the Belgium tax authorities:

  1. On the desktop application Navigation menu, click Accounting > Tax File Generation.
  2. In the File Format field on the General tab of the Tax File Generation form, select one of the Belgium tax file formats.
    The options are:
    • Belgium - Intra EU Community XML
    • Belgium Client Listing XML
    • Belgium VAT Declaration XML: For this report, you must enter grid number codes on the Tax Reporting tab in Settings > Cash Management > Tax Codes.
  3. Select other criteria for the tax report output on the General tab.
    • Only the fields that apply for the file format that you selected are enabled on the General tab.
    • When you select the Belgium - Intra EU Community XML file format and you do not select the Cash Basis Reporting checkbox, the maximum amount of time that you can enter in the Range of Periods or Range of Dates field is 60 months. If you enter more than 60 months, you will receive an error.
  4. Click the Review tab and review the transactions and totals that will be included in the tax file.
  5. On the toolbar of the Tax File Generation form, click Generate File to create the tax file.
  6. On the File Download dialog box, select whether to save or open the TaxFile.xml file.
    • If you save the file, the Window Explorer Save As dialog box opens and lets you choose a place to save the file.
    • If you open the file, it displays in Windows Notepad or other XML software on your machine and you can save the file.
  7. In response to the prompt asking if you want to print a detailed backup report, click Yes if you want to generate:
    • An Intra EU Community or Belgium Client Listing report, sorted by client, or
    • A VAT Declaration report, sorted by grid number.
    The detailed backup report is generated in preview mode, allowing you to print, email, or download it.
  8. Send the tax file to the Belgium tax authorities as you normally do.