Examples: SQL Where Clause Searches

These examples of SQL Where Clause searches illustrate some of the complex searches used by companies in a variety of industries. You can work with your Deltek administrator to identify and define the SQL Where Clause searches you would like to build, based on your business needs.

SQL Where Clause Search Examples

The following SQL Where Clause search examples represent the most common search types that customers use to find or compare records across multiple hubs, applications, and databases, find records in grids or drill down to more granular levels of data.

  • Add a missing field to a search: If a field is missing in the Add a Field drop-down list, you can add one or more field conditions to the SQL query.
  • Search across different applications: Do this when you need to find all projects along with their associated transactions.
  • Compare two or more fields within a search: For example, if you need to find projects where the primary client is not equal to the billing client.
  • Compare rows in grids: Do this when you need to find projects that have had no activities in the last two months.
  • Compare records that are associated with each other: This is useful if you need to find projects that are in a different organization from that of the project manager's organization.