Search Report Records

You can search for a specific record, or set of records, from which report data is drawn. You can then reuse these records, modify the set, or select a new set of records for the report.

Before running a report, navigate to either the Favorites tab or the Reports tab of the Reporting form and in the Records/Saved Search column on the Reports grid, click a report row to display the Records or Saved Searches quick search list. The Records/Saved Search quick search list is also located in the expandable header fields section on most individual reports.

Reporting Form

Select from either a record or a saved search in the list or use the Search option to create a new search and select the records that you want to include on the report. With the appropriate security role, you can also edit or build SQL Where Clause searches from the Advanced Settings search feature. For more information, see SQL Where Clause Searches.

Reports that are based on a legacy search are non-editable and appear in the Reports grid with an asterisk. In addition, the Records or Saved Searches list is disabled.

Individual Report Forms

Many reports have an expandable header field section above the report tabs. This section is displayed by default. Use the () or () chevron icons to show or hide the header field section. Depending on the report, one or both of these header fields may be available:

Field Description
Records/Saved Search This quick search appears within the expandable header field section for some report types. Click to view the lookup list of records or saved searches or Search. Select one of the following options from the lookup list to apply the desired records to your report:

A record: If available, choose one of the existing records in the list that can be applied to the report. When you run the report from the report form, the report will display the details for that record.

A saved search: If available, choose one of the existing record search queries in the list that can be applied to the report. When you run the report from the report form, the report will return the records as defined by the search.

Search: Choose this option to create a search based on new search criteria that will return a different set of data. You can then build a new search query based on a new subset of records. Alternatively, you can click Select Search if you decide to use one of the existing searches as a baseline for a new search. You can then modify the search criteria to return other records.

Vantagepoint displays the selected search in the Records/Saved Search field on the Reports grid of both the Reporting application form and the individual report form.

The label that displays for the Records or Saved Searches quick search field is determined by the type of quick search that you select as the default for reports. Use the Reporting Quick Search field on the Reporting Tab of My Preferences Dialog Box to specify the default search.

To search for records to include on a report, see the Select Records to Include on a Report help topic.

Create Activity This checkbox appears within the expandable header field section for some report types, such as project, employee, and contact reports. Select this checkbox to create an activity. When you run the report and create an activity, you can then track when the report was run and even printed. For employee and contact reports, creating an activity will also associate the activity with all employees or contacts included in the report.