Actions Bar for the Form 1099 Processing Form

Use options on the Actions bar to specify state IDs, generate the work file, edit data, verify payments, print or preview the form, and transfer data electronically.

Commonly Used Actions

Click the buttons on the Actions bar to quickly access commonly performed actions.

Field Description
Generate Work File Click this option to generate the work file. This action generates/regenerates amounts for both the 1099-MISC and 1099-NEC forms.
Save Click this option to save changes to the record. Changes to both the 1099-MISC and 1099-NEC forms are saved when you click this option.
Edit Click this option to open the Form 1099 Processing forms and make changes to the currently selected record. The 1099-MISC and 1099-NEC tabs display when you click this option.

Other Actions

Click the Other Actions menu to choose other tasks.

Field Description
State IDs Click this option to open the State IDs dialog box. You must specify the IDs for all the states for which 1099 forms will be processed.
Verify Payments Click this option to open the Form 1099 Verification dialog box, and print the Form 1099 Verification report. This report helps you verify whether the amounts for the 1099s are correct before you print the forms. You usually run this report after you generate the 1099 work file and before you print the 1099 forms for vendors.

The Form 1099 Verification report displays the Paid Last Year amount from the Firms hub, which is what prints on the 1099 forms, and the Total Payments Processed amount (posted vendor payments) for a vendor in a given calendar year. The report identifies any differences between two amounts, which you can resolve before printing the 1099 forms.

Electronic File 1099-MISC Click this option create a file of 1099-MISC data to submit electronically.
Electronic File 1099-NEC Click this option create a file of 1099-NEC data to submit electronically.
Electronic File T5018 Click this option create a file of T5018 data to submit electronically.
Print 1099-MISC Click this option to preview the 1099-MISC report and then print it.
Print 1099-NEC Click this option to preview the 1099-NEC report and then print it.
Print Options Click this option to display the Form 1099 Print Options dialog box. Use options on the dialog box to specify the layout.