Firms Summary Pane

The firm's key information displays in the Summary Pane as you move from one tab to another.


Summary Pane

After you click the add record option on the form to add a new record to the hub, enter information in the fields on this tab and click Save. To edit information on this tab after you save a new record, hover over a field name and enter or select a new value or use the edit dialog box to make changes. After the appropriate fields update, save the record. Some fields, such as calculated fields, cannot be edited.

The following fields display on the Firm Summary Pane. As you add a new firm record, you can also add information in these fields. Or, you can update these fields as needed when editing a firm record.

Field Description
Firm Type This field displays the type of firm, such as Client, Vendor, Competitor, or Government Agency. You can select as many firm types as needed.

When you select Vendor as the Firm Type and you own Accounting, the Vendors tab of the Firms hub displays.

If you enter a new firm record, the Type field may automatically populate with a selection. This occurs based on your role as follows:

  • Accounting: No option selected. You are prompted to select a Firm Type if you leave this field blank.
  • CRM: Firm Type defaults to Client.
Number This field displays the firm's identification number. You establish the length and format of your firm numbers when you install Vantagepoint. If you need to change the number length or format after installation, you must use the Firm Number Key Format utility.

If you configure Vantagepoint to use the automatic numbering feature, Vantagepoint assigns the firm number and [AUTONUMBER] displays in this field. If automatic numbering is enabled for firms, Vantagepoint assigns the firm number. If you have appropriate access rights, you can change the number. If automatic numbering is enabled for firms but the number/ID field is locked for your user role, the firm number is automatically generated.

IQ ID If the firm was created from a buying organization in GovWin IQ using the GovWin IQ Connector, this field displays the related GovWin IQ record ID.

If you do not use the GovWin IQ Connector, you can use Screen Designer to hide this field.

Market This field displays the general market in which the firm participates, such as Health Care or Commercial.
Owner Select the employee that is responsible for the relationship with the firm. Each firm can only have one owner.

The name of the owner automatically displays on the Team tab with Owner as the default value in the Relationship field. If you remove the owner from this grid, or if you change the relationship from owner to a different value, the owner is automatically removed from the Owner field on the Firms Overview tab.

Website This field displays the firm's Web site URL. To change the URL, hover over the field and enter the URL on the Edit Website dialog box.
Last Activity

These fields display the date of the last activity with which this firm is associated and any notes entered for that activity. The last activity is the activity with the most recent date for the period up to and including the current date. Activities dated in the future are not considered.

Click the date to display a tooltip containing additional information about the activity.

Most Recent Project This field displays the most recently added project with which this firm is associated, along with the firm's role for that project.
Status This field displays the firm's status and a color indicator:
  • Firms that you have a relationship with or are currently pursuing are Active.
  • Firms that you are no longer working with are Inactive or Dormant.

To change the status, hover over the field and select a status. If the Firm Type is Vendor, the vendor status determines the validity of certain functions in Vantagepoint.

The options are:

  • Active: Select this option if you can perform any valid function for the vendor.
  • Inactive: Select this option for Vantagepoint to display a warning during transaction entry, transaction posting, payment processing, and any other function that requires a vendor number. When you receive this warning, you must choose to proceed with the function before Vantagepoint allows you to complete it. Batch payment processing is not allowed for inactive vendors.
  • Dormant: Select this option to retain a vendor number but mark it as not currently in use. If you enter a dormant vendor number during data entry, Settings displays a warning and prohibits you from entering any data for the vendor. You can also pay an outstanding voucher through accounts payable payment processing, but you cannot enter a new voucher. Select this status to retain a vendor in your database for historical purposes, such as printing 1099 forms at the end of the year.
Recommend If the firm is recommended for future work, displays. If it has not been recommended, displays. To change from one setting to the other, click the field.