Enter an Alternative Caption for a Field

Enter an alternative caption for a field to make it easier to distinguish when it is viewed in other area of Vantagepoint, such as in searches, workflows, proposals, and the Search and Replace utility.

These instructions apply for regular fields and the child fields of compound (parent) fields, such as address fields Address 1, Address 2, City, Country, and so on that make up a complete address (the parent field).

For more information about alternative captions, see Alternative Captions.

To enter an alternative caption for a field:

  1. In the Navigation pane in the browser application, open Screen Designer in one of the following ways:
    • Go to the Hubs section and select the hub that you want to customize, or select Settings > General Ledger > Chart of Accounts to customize the Chart of Accounts. On the Actions bar of the form that displays, select Other Actions > Design.
    • Select Settings > General > Screen Designer. In the Application field at the top of the Screen Designer form, select the application that you want to customize.
  2. On the Screen Designer form, click the tab on which the field is located.
  3. For non-compound fields:
    1. Click the field to highlight it.
    2. In the Field Properties section of the properties pane, enter an alternative caption in the Alternate Caption field, and click Save.
  4. For child fields of compound fields (such as you use in addresses):
    1. Click the compound field to highlight it.
    2. Click beside the Field Type field in the Field Properties section on the Screen Designer form.
    3. On the Field Settings dialog box, click a child field to highlight it.
    4. In the Field Properties pane, enter an alternative caption for the child field in the Alternate Caption field.
    5. Click Save.