Contents of the Export as CSV Dialog Box

Use these options to export data from a Vantagepoint grid into a comma-separated values (.csv) file.

The export process exports all the data from a Vantagepoint grid to a comma-separated values (.csv) file. You can then use Microsoft Excel, or another spreadsheet application that supports .csv files, to open the file and filter, summarize, and format the exported data for reports or analysis.


The contents of the dialog box are dependent on where you clicked the Export icon .

Field Description
Request Export If you exported from list view, click this button to schedule the export from the grid. You will be notified via the Notification Center when the .csv file is ready to be downloaded.

The following Vantagepoint applications automatically leverage the process server when exporting records from list view: Projects hub, Employees hub, Firms hub, Contacts hub, User Defined hubs, Activities, and Users.

Export If you did not export from list view, click this button to export the contents of the grid to a comma-separated values (.csv) file.
Cancel Click this button to close the dialog box without exporting the grid data.