Contents of the Modules Form

At the end of the initial Vantagepoint activation process, the modules that you purchased are all activated, and the license information for those modules displays on this form. If you later purchase other modules, use this form to activate those new modules by entering the passwords that Deltek provides.

After you activate a module, the module is not available to you until you log out of Vantagepoint and log back in.

If you add either the Accounting module or the PSA module to Vantagepoint, no one can log in to Vantagepoint until a starting accounting period and fiscal year have been specified. To do that, a user with an Administrator security role must log in to the browser application. An explanatory message then displays, along with the option to open the Accounting Period Setup form. If you fully understand the implications of specifying the initial accounting period and fiscal year, you can use that form to do so. If you do not fully understand the implications, click Cancel and discuss this decision with the appropriate people in your enterprise before proceeding. After you save the starting accounting period and fiscal year, you cannot change them.


Field Description
Client ID This field displays the client ID that you received from Deltek.
Module This column displays the names of the Vantagepoint modules that are available for your industry.
Password For each of the currently activated modules, this column contains the password that you received from Deltek. The passwords display as a string of asterisks to keep them secure.

When you purchase a new module, enter the password for that module to activate it. When you do, license information, if applicable, displays in License and Expiration.

Because the Accounting module and the PSA module provide similar functionality but for groups of customers with different needs, both of these modules cannot be activated at the same time. If, for example, PSA is activated and you later want to activate Accounting, you must first remove the password for the PSA module.

License If your firm has purchased the module, this column displays the type of license that you have (for example, the number of employees for which you are licensed).
Expiration If your firm has purchased the module, this column displays the date on which your current license expires.

Feature Flags

Field Description
Enable Purchase Orders in the Web Application This check box determines whether you access certain Purchasing applications from the browser application or the desktop application.
  • To enable access to Purchasing in the browser application, select the check box.
    When you select the Enable Purchase Orders in the Web Application option, the following application paths display in the Navigation pane of the browser application:
    • Purchasing > Purchase Orders
    • Purchasing > Items
    The following application paths continue to display in the Navigation menu of the desktop application:
    • Purchasing > Purchase Requisitions
    • Purchasing > Request for Price Quote
    • Purchasing > Receiving
    • Purchasing > Purchase Template Editor
    • Purchasing > Item Review
  • To disable access to Purchasing in the browser application and instead allow access to Purchasing in the desktop application only, clear (deselect) the check box.
    When you clear the Enable Purchase Orders in the Web Application option, you can only access the following Purchasing applications from the Navigation menu in the desktop application:
    • Purchasing > Purchase Requisitions
    • Purchasing > Request for Price Quote
    • Purchasing > Purchase Orders
    • Purchasing > Receiving
    • Purchasing > Purchase Template Editor
    • Purchasing > Item Review

For more information, see: Purchase Order Feature Flag.