Share a Favorite Report with Other Roles

When you save a favorite report (and if you have the appropriate security access) you may have the option to define additional user roles that can access the report.

Pre-requisite: Create a favorite report.

To share a favorite report with other roles:

  1. After creating a new favorite report or modifying an existing favorite report, select Save.
  2. In the Save For field, click and select the roles that will have access to the report.

    Myself displays as the default role assigned to the report. This is the role that gives you access to the report. If this is the only item selected, it also defaults the report to a Private status on the Favorites tab.

    If needed, select additional roles that will have access to the report. When you select additional roles, the report defaults to a Shared status on the Favorites tab. The Status column also displays a to indicate that the report is shared with other users.

    You can always save reports for yourself, but your security role (Settings > Security > Roles) must have access to save for others.
  3. Enter a Description for the report.
  4. On the Save Report dialog box, click Save.
    Vantagepoint displays the report in My Stuff > Reporting.