Importing Data from Comma-Separated Values (.csv) Files

On the Imports form in the browser application (Utilities > Imports & Exports > Imports), you can import data from comma-separated values (.csv) files to the Vantagepoint database.

In the browser application, you can only import data from a .csv file. The imports available in the desktop application enable you to import from some other file types as well.

When to Use Imports

The import options enable you to add multiple records to the Vantagepoint database in one batch process. Enterprises that make use of the import options generally do so in one or both of the following ways:
  • When they implement Vantagepoint or activate a newly purchased Vantagepoint module, they export their existing data to .csv files and use the imports to transfer that data to Vantagepoint.
  • If they enter and maintain a set of records in another application but want to load some of that data into Vantagepoint for other purposes, they use the imports periodically to transfer the most up-to-date version of that data (for example, if they set up projects in a project management application outside of Vantagepoint but want to use the planning capabilities in the Resource Planning module in Vantagepoint to create plans for those projects).

Alternatives to Importing Data

If your enterprise is planning to import some types of data into Vantagepoint from another application on an ongoing basis, an alternative to importing that data from .csv files is to use the application programming interfaces (APIs) provided with Vantagepoint to automate the transfer of data from the source applications.

For nearly all types of data, you also have the option to use Vantagepoint applications to add or update records individually.

Available Imports

The data import options that are available to you depend on the Vantagepoint modules that your enterprise has activated.

Of the imports provided with the modules you purchased, some may not yet be available in the browser application. If you do not find an import on the Imports form in the browser, go to the desktop application and navigate to the Imports Utility form (Utilities > Desktop Imports).

Fields for Which You Can Import Data

For a given type of record (employee records, for example), you can generally import data for nearly all standard and custom (user-defined) fields, with the exception of the following:
  • Fields that are located in grids
  • Fields that contain values that Vantagepoint calculates based on values in other fields

What the Import Process Does

When you import data, the import process adds a new record in Vantagepoint for each record in the .csv file that does not already exist in Vantagepoint.

In addition, you can select Update duplicate records when you run an import if you want the import process to update fields in Vantagepoint for a record that already exists. If a field in the existing record is blank or contains a value that is different from the value in the mapped field in the .csv file, the field in the existing record is updated with the value from the .csv file. If you maintain the information in another application, this option enables you to use the import process to keep the corresponding information in Vantagepoint up to date. If you instead select Do not import duplicate records, the import process ignores any records in the .csv file that already exist in Vantagepoint.

Required Security Role Access

You can only import new records if your security role has access rights to add that type of record.

Preparing the Comma-Separated Values File

After you export data from the source application to a .csv file, open that file in Microsoft Excel® or other compatible application and do the following:
  • Verify that the first row of data in the file is a header row that contains field names, not actual data. The import process assumes that the first row contains field names and uses those field names during the field mapping step of the import process. (This is only true when you import from a file in the browser application. When you import from a file using an import in the desktop application, the file should not have a header row.)
  • Review the records in the file and delete any that you do not want to import into Vantagepoint.
  • Carefully review the data in the .csv file to make sure it is correct. This is particularly important for fields that serve as links to related data. For example, if you include firm names in the import file when importing contacts, make sure that those names are correct and consistent. If they are not, some imported contacts could be linked to the wrong firm or not associated with a firm.
  • The data items in the .csv file must be separated by commas. If the value of a data item contains a comma (for example a client name such as Forsberg Dynamics, Inc.), add quotation marks around the data to indicate that the comma is part of the data and not a separator ("Forsberg Dynamics, Inc.")
  • If you are importing records that include a note, comment, or other longer text string, make sure that the text does not include any line feeds. Import data could include a line feed if, in the source application, you press ENTER to force subsequent text to start on a new line, and then you export that text as part of your import file. The only line feeds in the .csv import file should be those at the end of each row of the file.

Because you explicitly map the .csv fields to Vantagepoint fields during the import process, the field names in the file do not have to match the field names in Vantagepoint, and the order of the fields in the .CSV file does not matter. It also does not matter if the .csv file contains fields that have no equivalent field in Vantagepoint or fields that you do not want to import for some other reason. The import process ignores fields in the file that you do not map to a Vantagepoint field.

Restriction: iOS Devices

Tablets and other devices that use the iOS operating system cannot upload files through the browser. As a result, you must run the import processes using a different device, such as a laptop or an Android tablet. If you are using an iOS device, the options on the Imports form are disabled.