Import Data Validation

When you import data from a comma-separated values (.csv) file using the Imports form, Vantagepoint checks key data items (for example, record IDs and other required fields) to make sure that they are valid.

However, import data validation does not necessarily include all validation that would occur if you added or changed the records using the standard Vantagepoint user interface. Therefore, before you use the import utilities, it is important that you are familiar with your source data and you understand how that data will be used in Vantagepoint, and that you carefully evaluate whether using an import utility to get that data into Vantagepoint is appropriate.

Import Errors and Warnings

If the import process is unable to import one or more records (because of required data that is missing from the .csv file, for example), a message displays at the top of the Vantagepoint page: Could not import all...records. Download the CSV file with all records that failed and the reason.

Click the Download the CSV file link in the message to review the records that were not imported and the reasons why the imports failed. This link is also available on the Imports form itself near the link you used to run the import.

In some cases, the import process may successfully import a record but display a warning message. This can occur, for example, when a record contains invalid data that is not required. Often in that case, the import process creates the new record in Vantagepoint but omits the invalid data and warns you of that action. As with errors, you can click Download the CSV file either in the warning message or on the Imports form to review the affected records and explanations of the warnings.

The errors and warnings for your latest import process of a given type remain available in the .csv file until the next time you run that import process. At that point, they are replaced by any errors and warnings from the more recent process.

Record Keys

When you run an import process, Vantagepoint checks key data for each record to determine if it is a new record that does not yet exist in Vantagepoint or an existing record. One of the following then occurs:
  • If the record does not match an existing record and contains all required values, a new record is created for it in Vantagepoint.
  • If the record matches an existing record and you selected Update duplicate records, the existing record in Vantagepoint is updated based on the field values for the record in the .csv file.
  • If the record matches an existing record and you selected Do not import duplicate records, the record in the .csv file is ignored, and the corresponding Vantagepoint record is not updated.

In some cases, the key data are codes or numbers, and in others, they are names. In the latter cases, it is particularly important to use spelling that is consistent both in import files and in Vantagepoint to avoid accidentally creating duplicate records.

If a Vantagepoint field has a key format defined, values that you import for that field must conform to the required format.


If autonumbering is enabled for a Vantagepoint field and you do not import a value for that field, Vantagepoint assigns the next automatically generated number.

If autonumbering is enabled for Vantagepoint field and you import a correctly formatted number for that field, Vantagepoint assigns the number you provide in the import file if you are authorized to override autonumbering. If you are not authorized to override autonumbering, the record is imported with an automatically assigned number.

Related Records

Many types of records include fields that function as associative links to related records. For example, when you import a project, you can include the first name and last name of the employee who is designated as the project manager for the project. Those values provide a link between the project record and the employee's employee record in Vantagepoint.

When the .csv file contains values that refer to related records, the import process verifies that a corresponding record actually exists in Vantagepoint. If the corresponding related record does not exist, the record is imported but the invalid linking values are not. For this reason, it is important to verify that any related records already exist in Vantagepoint before you try to import records that link to those related records.

While the above applies to most related records, in some special cases you are asked during the import process if you want Vantagepoint to create a missing related record for you:
  • Primary client in a project record: When you import a project, you can include the name or alias of the firm that is the primary client for that project. The import process checks for an exact match with an existing firm name or firm alias. If the firm already exists in Vantagepoint, that firm is assigned as the primary client for the project. If no match is found, the firm is displayed in the New Firm/Contact Records dialog box so you can indicate if you want a firm record created for it in Vantagepoint.
  • Primary contact in a project record: When you import a project, you can include the first name, last name, and firm name or alias for the primary contact for that project. The import process checks for an existing contact with the same first name and last name or preferred name and last name and with the same firm. If the contact already exists in Vantagepoint, that contact is assigned as the primary contact for the project. If no match is found, the contact is displayed in the New Firm/Contact Records dialog box so you can indicate if you want a contact record created for them in Vantagepoint.
  • Firm in a contact record: When you import a contact, you can include the name or alias of the firm with which the contact is associated. The import process checks for an exact match with an existing firm name or firm alias. If the firm already exists in Vantagepoint, that firm is assigned as the firm for the contact. If no match is found, the firm is displayed in the New Firm Records dialog box so you can indicate if you want a firm record created for it in Vantagepoint.

Drop-Down Fields

In most cases, a field in the .csv file that is mapped to a field in Vantagepoint that has a drop-down list of valid values must contain a code that exactly matches the code for one of those valid values. If the code in the import file does not match the code for a valid value for the field in Vantagepoint, the record is imported but that field is left blank.

The exceptions are fields that allow you to enter a value that is not in the drop-down list. When you import data for those fields, the import file should include the value that you want in the field, not the code for the value. In these cases, no validation occurs; any value is accepted.

Custom Fields

With the exception of fields in grids and calculated fields, you can import data for custom fields that you have added to Vantagepoint forms. The format of data to be imported into a custom field must be compatible with the type of custom field. For example, you can only import numeric data into a number field. If the format is not correct, the record is imported (unless the field is required) but that field is left blank, and you are notified of the issue in the error log.

Field Notes
Custom date field Dates to be imported into a custom date field should be in the date format specified on the My Preferences dialog box of the person who runs the import process. For example, if your date preferences are set to include the month before the day, then the dates in the import source file should also have the month before the day.
Custom drop-down field

If Limit Entry to Values List is selected in Screen Designer for the custom drop-down field, a field in the .csv file that is mapped to that custom field in Vantagepoint must contain a code that exactly matches the code for one of the valid values for that field. If the code in the import file does not match the code for a valid value for the field in Vantagepoint, the record is imported (unless the field is required) but that field is left blank, and you are notified of the issue in the error log.

If Limit Entry to Values List is not selected in Screen Designer, the field allows entry of a value that is not in the drop-down list of predefined values. When you import data for those custom fields, the import file should include the value that you want in the field, not the code for the value. in these cases, no validation occurs; any value is accepted. Note, however, that a value that is not in the list of predefined values for the custom field is not added to that list.

Custom lookup field

To import data for a custom lookup field, the import field value must be an identifying code or number for the lookup record. If the import value does not match an existing ID, the import record is still imported (unless the field is required) but the custom lookup field is left blank, and you are notified of the issue in the error log.

If the type of record associated with the lookup field has an external ID that is displayed in the user interface (for example, the employee number for an employee record), you can use that as the import value for the lookup field. If the type of record does not have an externally available ID (for example, a contact record), you must use the internal ID that Vantagepoint assigned to the record. Contact your database administrator for help determining internal IDs.

Custom check boxes Custom check boxes, like standard check boxes, are selected (checked) if the imported value is either Yes or Y and are not selected if the value is No or N.