Submitting Progress for Approval

When you enter progress, you have the option of saving it to complete at a later stage, or submitting it for approval. If you save entries without submitting them for approval, they will remain pending progress entries until you submit them.

For more information, see Progress Overview and Configure Progress.

Important: When you enter progress, you have to submit progress for all records in your list regardless of whether or not you enter progress for every record. This shows the approver that you have completed your progress for this period and they can log in and approve everything. For example, you have a list of four records and you enter progress for the first two. The other two are scheduled to start next week. Even though you don't enter any progress for those two, you still have to select and submit them for approval. If you only submit the first two, the two that start next week will display as pending progress entries.

Tip: The easiest way to make sure you submit everything is to click Select All from the Select drop-down on the progress grid toolbar before you click Submit.

What do you want to do?

Enter progress for a progress entry that is not displayed

Enter and submit cost progress

Enter and submit schedule progress

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