Search Limits

The Search Limits feature of Deltek PM Compass reduces the number of records that the application retrieves on a view or a Search dialog box. This can improve system performance, but you should use it with caution because it can cause confusion. You can set the search limit and other related options on the General tab of the System Settings form.

For more information, see Search Overview.

When you build a search criterion, most users expect PM Compass to display all of the records that match the criteria. This feature limits the number of records that PM Compass displays. For example, users expect the search All Workflows to display all of the workflows. If you use Search Limits, searching for all workflows displays only the number of rows you indicate as the search limit.

In addition, users can get confused when displaying views, such as the Schedule Analysis view and the Update Progress view, because PM Compass does not display a warning message that the view is filtered based on this setting.

The search limit should be at least larger than the number of activities in their largest project file, or left blank.

What do you want to do?

Define the number of records to display at a time

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