When displaying and searching for workflows in categories such as Change Management where each parent has many children, you can improve the search performance by unselecting the Show Hierarchy option in the Workflow Search dialog box. If needed, you can use the Child Workflows tab in the Workflow Form View to view the children.
You can enter values in the text box next to the Search
icon () to filter the current view (for
example, a change number). The filtered list becomes the default list
for the view until you change it by using the Search again and selecting
different workflows.
The search popup displays the list of workflows that match the search value unless only one workflow matches the search value, in which case PM Compass displays that workflow in the grid. The popup includes the workflow ID, change number, and title. The change number is the system change number that displays on the Workflow Form General tab unless Cobra is set to have the Cobra change number validated by using a code file (set in Cobra on the Project Properties Fields tab). In this case, you can view the change number on the Advanced tab.
The selections on the Workflow Search dialog box affect the results in the search popup. For example, if Include Child Workflows is selected on the Workflow Search dialog box, the search results will include both the parent and children workflows. If Include Child Workflows is not selected and you search using a child workflow change number, PM Compass displays only the related parent workflow.
When you select Include Child Workflows on the Workflow Search dialog box, the search results include both the parent and children workflows.
When you deselect Include Child Workflows on the Workflow Search dialog box and you perform a search for CAM is Me or a similar search, if PM Compass matches the search criteria to a child workflow, the system returns the parent workflow in the search result. If you need to see the child workflows, you can select Include Child Workflows and re-run the search, or you can use the Child Workflows tab in the Workflow Form View to view the children.
The Model Changes Workflow Search dialog box does not include the Show Hierarchy, Include Child Workflows, and Include Closed or Suspended fields.
The Show Hierarchy option is not available because the data that displays in the grid is a flat view (not hierarchical).
The Include Child Workflows option is not available because you can only model a parent workflow; however, PM Compass automatically includes children in all Model Changes searches.
When you perform a search in this view, PM Compass applies the search criteria to both parent and child workflows; however, if a child workflow fits the search (filter) criteria, the parent workflow is returned in the search results. For example, if you search on CAM is Me, PM Compass finds all parent workflows where you are a CAM in a child workflow.
When you use the Search dialog box, you can specify either specific records or criteria.
Specific Records: When you select a result from the Search Results grid, you are specifying that you only want to report on that record or value. For example, you may want to see all of the assignment history records for a specific user. You don’t know the name but you know that they have change management assignments.
Criteria: Instead of selecting specific records, you build the criteria to gather the data from the database. For example, you may want to see all change management assignment history records. After clicking Search, you click Apply without first selecting a search result. When you do not select specific users in the Search Results grid. that indicates a selection criteria instead of specific records.
For more information and steps to perform these different search types, see Specifying Criteria vs. Specific Records (Values).
When you select the Find Words That Sound the Same When Performing Searches option on the User Preferences dialog box General tab, PM Compass includes words that sound the same in its search results. For example, when searching for John Smith, PM Compass also finds John Smyth. When the option is not selected, PM Compass will not include John Smyth in the search result.
Select the Automatically Retrieve Records When Opening Searches option to automatically populate the result list in the Search dialog box. In order for the change to take effect, you must log out of and back in to PM Compass..
If this option is not selected when you open the search lookup, the result list is blank and you will need to click the Search button to populate the result. In addition, when you select a saved search, you will need to click Search to update the search result.
You set this option for all users on the System Settings General tab at which time the same option becomes available on the User Preferences dialog box General tab where you can turn the setting on or off for individual users. If this option is selected in System Settings and the Search dialog box is not automatically populating, your individual user setting for this option in User Preferences may be deselected.
Setting search limits reduces the number of records that PM Compass retrieves in a view or in a Search dialog box. This is helpful if your company has a large database and it can improve the system's performance, but you should use them with caution because it can cause confusion if a user doesn't realize that "only the first x number of records" and not all records are displaying.
For example, users expect searches such as All
Workflows to display all of the records. If you select the Search limits option, PM Compass
displays only the number of rows you indicate as the search limit. The
user will have to click the Search Results
right or left arrows to display the next or previous X number of records:
In addition, if you set a limit in the Progress and Analysis Record Limit field, users can get confused in the Schedule Analysis view and the Update Progress view because PM Compass does not display a warning message that the view is filtered based on this setting.
For more information, see Search Limits on the General Tab of the System Settings Form.
Specify Criteria vs. Specific Records (Values)