Database Cleanup

Use the Database Cleanup tab to delete orphaned reports and report logs or to schedule the deletion of files.

For more information, see Report Administration Overview.

Orphaned Report Files

Use this group box to delete orphaned report files or to setup a scheduled deletion. Normally, you generate a report and then close the report viewer after the report generated is deleted. There are cases, such as report crash or unexpected close of the viewer, that the report is deleted. These undeleted reports are called orphaned report files.  

Report RDL Files That Have Been Orphaned for This Number of Days

Enter the number of days that specifies the minimum age of an orphaned report file that can be deleted shall be added to this group.

The value of this field must be greater than or equal to 2.

Total Orphaned Reports (Including Subreports)

Use this field to view the total number of orphaned reports not yet deleted

Delete Reports

Click to delete orphaned report files that are older than or equal to the specified number of days.

Schedule Delete...

Click to schedule the deletion of orphaned report files. For more information, see Schedule dialog box.

Report Log Rows

Use this group box to delete report logs generated when the report is created.  

Report Log Rows That Are Older Than This Number of Days

Enter the number of days that specifies the maximum age of a report log row that cannot be deleted.

Total Report Log Entries

Use this field to view the total number of log entries not yet deleted.

Delete Log Rows

Click to delete report logs that are older than the specified number of days.

Schedule Delete...

Click to schedule the deletion of report logs. For more information, see Schedule dialog box.

Report Archives

Report Archives That Are Older Than This Number of Days

Enter the number of days that specifies the maximum age of a report archive row that cannot be deleted.

Grid Toolbar



Report Archives

Click to display the following options: 

  • Print — Select this option to display the Print Preview form with the grid’s contents displayed.

  • Export to Excel — Select this option to display the Microsoft Excel application with the grid’s contents displayed.


Click this button to reload/update the list of report archives.


Click this button to delete the selected report. Click Yes when asked to confirm the deletion. If you do not have the correct access rights to delete the report, a warning displays.

Grid Columns

Field Name



The name of the user that generated the report.


Use this column to view the area of Reporting from which you generate the report. For example, if you go to Reporting > Contact to generate the report, this field displays Contact.

Report Name

The name of the report.

Created Date

The date the report was created.

Expiration Date

Use this column to view the date and time that the archived report will be removed from the system.

The expiration date and time is based on the number of hours specified when the report was archived.

View location