Progress Entries

PM Compass uses progress entries to store the progress that a user enters while it is being approved. Progress entries are either created by a process or automatically created when you update the progress on an activity. When you display the Enter Cost/Schedule Progress view, the default My Pending Progress displays progress entries assigned to you.

Create a recurring process to automatically create progress entries so when a user accesses the view, they see the activities/work packages for which they need to submit progress. The process automatically creates progress entries when the activity or work package is:

It then assigns the progress entries to the correct person based on the Assignment Mapping Hierarchy and the project data.

If the Enter Progress view is blank when you access it, review Configure Progress.

Enter Progress for an Activity/Work Package that Has No Progress Entry

If you need to progress an activity or work package that does not have a progress entry created for it (workflow status is blank), you can use the Search dialog box and change the Show field to All to view these records. You can then select one that you have rights to edit (based on the Assignment Mapping Hierarchy). After you enter progress for the activity or work package and save, the progress entry is automatically created and the workflow status changes to Active.

View Other Progress Entries

If you are a member of the Progress Admin group, or your user ID is high in the Assignment Mapping Hierarchy, you can use the Search dialog box to change the Show field to All Pending Progress to view progress entries assigned to you as well as those assigned to others.  

You can also see progress entries by running the Pending Progress report.

No-Approval Progress Entry Type

You can configure PM Compass so that progress either has to go through an approval process or needs no approval. For more information, see No-Approval Progress Entry Type.

What do you want to do?

Create Progress entries

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