Open Plan Model Changes Log Messages

Open Plan creates a log file each time you run a procedure such as Time Analysis or Resource Scheduling. These log files provide information about the functions that have been performed. You can use the Open Plan Log Viewer to review the log files that have been created during the current session of Open Plan as well as to view previously saved log files.

The Log Viewer displays in a docked window at the bottom of the Open Plan screen. You can open and close the window by clicking Open Log in the Open Plan Log Viewer menu group on the Processes tab, Integration tab, or Tools tab.

You can specify the type of information you want to see in the Log Viewer. For example, errors, information, and warnings. You can change the amount of information that the log displays by adjusting the LogLevel setting on the Advanced tab of the Options dialog box. You can also set the log level for all PPM products in EPM Security Administrator.

The lower the level, the better the performance since Open Plan has less information to record. The higher log levels should only be used when you are trying to resolve issues.


Log Includes This Information




Errors and warnings


Errors, warnings, and information


Errors, warnings, information, and debug information. Use this setting to capture additional diagnostic information during the Open Plan session such as the fields that Open Plan passes back to PM Compass including identifiers and any fields that you changed.

The tables below include descriptions of errors, information, and warnings that you might see in the Open Plan log when you are modeling changes. They are grouped by the action you take that causes the log entry (Load Changes, Mark Active, Close the View, Save).

Load Changes

Log Level


Sample Message and Additional Information


Loading changes completed without error

Changes for [Item] {changeNumber} loaded without errors.


Change the project mode to Edit ReadOnly

Project {ActiveProject} mode changed to Edit ReadOnly.


Loading change action records

{ErrorCount} error(s) encountered while loading the changes. -----------------Starting Error Info----------------- -----------------{ChangeNumber}----------------- {ErrorText} --------------------------------------------------- -----------------End Error Info-----------------


2 error(s) encountered while loading the changes.

-----------------Starting Error Info-----------------


Update Change Action for Activity: Record exists for activity, but no corresponding Activity was found in the live schedule.



Update Change Action for Activity: Record exists for activity, but no corresponding Activity was found in the live schedule.


-----------------End Error Info-----------------


When trying to apply the Schedule Change Log entries for an activity and the activity is not found in the sandbox

{Insert|Update|Delete} Change Action for Activity: Record exists for activity {destinationGUID}, but no corresponding Activity was found in the sandbox.


When trying to apply the Schedule Change Log entries for a note and the note is not found in the sandbox

{Insert|Update|Delete} Change Action for Note: Record exists for note {destinationGUID}, but no corresponding note was found in the sandbox.


When trying to apply the Schedule Change Log entries for a relationship and the relationship is not found in the sandbox

{Insert|Update|Delete} Change Action for Relationship: Record exists for relationship {destinationGUID}, but no corresponding Relationship was found in the sandbox.


When trying to apply the Schedule Change Log entries for an interproject relationship and the relationship is not found in the sandbox

{Insert|Update|Delete} Change Action for Interproject Relationship: Record exists for relationship {pred_act_uid}, {succ_act_uid}, but no corresponding Relationship was found in the sandbox.


When trying to apply the Schedule Change Log entries for an activity and the system is unable to apply the change to the Open Plan activity

{Insert|Update} Change Action for Activity: Unable to set field {column.ColumnName} on activity id {sandboxActivityId}. {exception.Message}: {exception.StackTrace}.


When trying to apply the Schedule Change Log entries for an activity and the activity is no longer in Open Plan

{Update|Delete} Change Action for Activity: Record exists for activity {sandboxActivityID}, but no corresponding Activity was found in the live schedule.


When trying to apply the Schedule Change Log entries for an activity and an unhandled exception is thrown

Error processing Activity: {exception.Message} {exception.StackTrace} [Change Action]: {ChangeLogRowData}


When trying to apply the Schedule Change Log entries for a note and the activity is no longer in Open Plan

{Insert|Update|Delete} Change Action for Note: Record exists for activity {sandboxActivityID}, but no corresponding Activity was found in the live schedule.


When trying to apply the Schedule Change Log entries for a note and an unhandled exception is thrown

Error processing Note: {exception.Message} {exception.StackTrace} [Change Action]: {ChangeLogRowData}


When trying to apply the Schedule Change Log entries for an assignment and an unhandled exception is thrown

Error processing Assignment: {exception.Message} {exception.StackTrace} [Change Action]: {ChangeLogRowData}


When trying to apply the Schedule Change Log entries for a relationship and the activity is no longer in Open Plan

{Insert|Update|Delete} Change Action for Relationship: Record exists for relationship on successor activity [succActivityId] but no corresponding Activity was found in the live schedule.


When trying to apply the Schedule Change Log entries for a relationship and an unhandled exception is thrown

{Insert} Change Action for Relationship: Unable to create a relationship between activities {succActivityId} and {predActivityId}.

You may see this error if you add a relationship to an activity and one of the activities (either predecessor or successor) no longer exists in the live schedule.


Apply update or delete macro records for a relationship and the relationship between the two activities is no longer in Open Plan

{Update|Delete} Change Action for Relationship: Unable to find a relationship between activities {succActivityId} and {predActivityId} in the live schedule.

You may see this error if changes have been made in the schedule since the schedule change log was created, and when you create a relationship it causes a loop.


When trying to apply the Schedule Change Log entries for a relationship and an unhandled exception is thrown

Error processing Relationship: {exception.Message} {exception.StackTrace} [Change Action]: {ChangeLogRowData}


When trying to apply the Schedule Change Log entries for an interproject relationship and the activity is no longer in Open Plan

{Insert|Update|Delete} Change Action for Interproject Relationship: Record exists for relationship on successor activity [succActivityId] but no corresponding Activity was found in the live schedule.


When trying to apply the Schedule Change Log entries for an interproject relationship and an unhandled exception is thrown

Error processing Interproject Relationship: {exception.Message} {exception.StackTrace} [Change Action]: {ChangeLogRowData}


When trying to apply the Schedule Change Log entries for an activity and Open Plan does not allow PM Compass to add the activity

{Insert} Change Action for Activity: Attempted to add Activity {sandboxActivityId}, but the Activity was not added to Open Plan successfully.


When trying to apply the Schedule Change Log entries for an interproject relationship and a stub activity cannot be added

{Insert} Change Action for Interproject Relationship: Attempted to add Activity {newStubActId}, but the Activity was not added to Open Plan successfully.

Mark Active

Log Level


Sample Message and Additional Information


Mark a Baseline Change Request active

Active BCR set to {changeNumber}

Close the View

Log Level


Sample Message and Additional Information


Close the Modeling Session

Closing project {projectToClose}


Close the active project in the Modeling Session

Closed project {projectToClose}


Log Level


Sample Message and Additional Information


Saving a Baseline Change Request

Changes for workflow {changeNumber}: {vbNewLine}{changeString}

When you are in the debug Log Viewer mode, you can see the list of fields that Open Plan is passing back to PM Compass including identifiers and the fields that you changed.

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