Select a Cost Set

This procedure allows you to search for and select a cost set that contains the budget modification being approved. You can select only one cost set.

For more information, see Change Management Overview.

You can only perform this procedure if Cobra is the selected cost system at installation.

To select a cost set:

  1. On the Navigation menu, click Workflows ยป Change Management.

  2. In the List View. select a change request in the grid, or click New.

  3. Select the correct project and control account. The Budget Details grid is populated with values.

  4. On the grid toolbar, click Select Cost Set. The Cost Set Search dialog box displays.

    The Select Cost Set button only becomes available when you select the Allow Selection of Additional Cost Set in Workflow option on the Cost Details on Form tab of the Workflow Type Configuration form. The selected cost system is Cobra.

  5. Select the cost set that contains the budget modification being approved.

  6. On the form toolbar, click Save.

What do you want to do?

Create a Budget Change Request