Workflow History Dialog Box

Use the Workflow History dialog box to audit the workflow. You can use it to determine why a workflow (for example, an Action) took so long to get approved.

From this grid, you can, for example, determine that a workflow was rejected three times with a comment of requesting for more details before it was submitted to the project manager. Using this type of audit information, you can update the forms to include the required fields. If the audit shows that each step of the workflow takes many days to get approved, you can opt to have the reminder notification sent out on a more frequent basis or you can add more users as approvers to the workflow.

For more information, see Workflow Overview.

Field Name



This column displays the step number that is assigned to the assignment.


This column displays the value assigned to the Description field for the step in the Workflow Steps grid.

Previous Workflow Status

This column displays the workflow status before it is changed.


This column displays the label of the user field that is used for the workflow step. Examples are Control Account Manager, Project Controls Analyst, and Project Manager. This information is not found in the user record in Security Administrator. If the assignment is assigned manually or by the originator, this field is blank. If the row’s New Workflow Status column shows Suspended, Resumed, Rejected, or Cancelled, this field is blank.


This displays the first and last name of the user who performed the action. This can also be the name of the delegate if the delegate performed the action.

You can access IM Presence from this column.

Due Date

This column displays the date when the step is due based on the calculation using the days allotted and the due date.

 If the row’s New Workflow Status column shows Suspended, Resumed, Rejected, or Cancelled, this field is blank.

Step Start Date

This is the date when the step started. This is when the alerts are sent to the user so they know that they need to perform an action.

If the row’s New Workflow Status column shows Suspended, Resumed, Rejected, or Cancelled, this field is blank.

Action Taken Date

This is the date when the user took action on the step that changed the step workflow status. It can be a rejection action that did not complete the step.

If the row’s New Workflow Status column shows Suspended, Resumed, Rejected, or Cancelled, this field is blank.  

New Workflow Status

This column displays the workflow status at the end of the step or action.


This column displays the comments you entered when the workflow status, suspended setting, or closed setting changed. If the workflow steps are edited, you can view a workflow edited comment in the History grid on the step where the Action Taken column says Start.

What do you want to do?

Assign an Action

Manage workflow types

View location

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