Codes Overview

By setting up a coding system and assigning codes to your project, you can display project data at a summary level, a detailed level, or any level within the project. A good coding system provides clear and concise information.

Code files can be a flat file representing a list of managers, for example, or they can have parent-child relationships or a hierarchical structure defining a work breakdown structure (WBS). After creating a code file, you can assign that code file to your project and the codes become a "pick list' of valid codes during data entry. Codes are used for roll-up reporting, filtering, and processing, among others.

Parent–child Relationships in Code Files

If your code file has parent-child relationships or hierarchy, you are often allowed to select a level of the code file for reporting summaries or filters. It is helpful to create related codes at the same level. For example, the codes of cost (such as labor, material, and ODC) should all be at the same level of your resource file. Defining related codes at the same level allows you to easily report or filter on labor, for example. When you run a report, you can select Resources and then a level of the code file as a section criteria, or as a filter for reporting or processing your project.

Types of Code Files

Most projects have at least two code file structures. One structure represents the project's Work Breakdown Structure (WBS) codes and another represents the Organizational Breakdown Structure (OBS) codes.

Defining Codes in Cobra

As many as nine additional codes can be linked to a Cobra program at both the cost account level and the work package level for a total of 18 codes. The assigned codes can be based on either breakdown structure files or code files and are available for sorting and filtering purposes during reporting. Cobra allows you to control how the codes will be validated against an associated breakdown structure or code file with the following options:

What do you want to do?

Find control accounts or work packages that are not progressing according to plan

View explanation of variance for a control account or work package

View time phased resource data for a control account or work package

Enter cost progress

View location

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