Apply a Change Request to a Project

To apply a change request:

  1. Open a schedule in Open Plan that is associated with the worflow you want to model.

  2. Access Model Changes in one of the following ways:

  3. In the Model Changes List view, select the workflows that you want to model in Open Plan and click Load Changes. If any of the selected workflows have not yet started, PM Compass automatically starts them but does not send any notifications. PM Compass displays the Modeling Session view.

  4. In the Modeling Session view, select the workflow and click Mark Active to specify that the selected workflow is the one that must apply to Open Plan.

  5. In Open Plan, run time analysis, correct any relationships or target dates, and perform any necessary analysis or updates to the request. When you complete the analysis, you should create a new baseline.

  6. If you use multiple projects for analysis, make sure time analysis was recently saved after opening the master project so that the dates on the foreign activities in the source project are up to date. See Editing Project Data While Modeling in Open Plan and Relationships and Modeling Changes.

  7. In the Workflow Actions menu, click Approve.

PM Compass saves the change log, creates the change baseline, integrates the changes, and sends notifications.