Process Log Viewer Overview

Use the Process Log Viewer to view, print, delete, and manage all the logs generated in PM Compass.

When a process is run on the application server (either as a scheduled process or when you initiate a process such as an import), error messages and/or warnings are written to a log stored in the database. In addition to errors and warnings, many of the import selected options are also listed in the log.  

To view the messages in the processes log, you must access the Process Log Viewer.  

Deltek recommends that you view the log after running any of the following processes:

For more information on error messages displayed in the process logs, see Process Errors.

It is important to view the log after running each of these processes.  Here are some example messages that may exist in the log:

When in the import and export views, the toolbar has an option to see the log just created after the import or export.  

The Process Log Viewer Form


Use this drop-down menu to view the list of processes that generate a log file. You can select one of the following options:

Process Logs Grid

Use the Process Logs Grid to view the log type, start date, end date and process owner.

View location

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