Projects Tab of the Link Center Form

Use the Projects tab of the Link Center form to associate a link with a project.

Each tab of the Link Center form displays the same toolbar. For more information, see Link Center Overview.

Projects Grid

This grid contains the following column and options:

Grid Column




This column displays all projects with which a link is associated.

Grid Toolbar

The [Projects] grid also features the following grid options:

Field Name



Click the drop-down arrow to display the following options:

  • Print — Select this option to display the Print Preview form.

  • Export to Excel — Select this option to open the Microsoft Excel application with the grid’s contents displayed.


Click this button on the Projects toolbar to associate a link with a project. Clicking this button displays the Project Search dialog box. You can select multiple projects by pressing either the CTRL key or the Shift key and then clicking the selected projects.

A link associated with the project is associated with that project only.


Click this button on the Projects toolbar to remove the association. Removing a link’s association with the project removes that particular association only.

This button is disabled if there is no record in the grid.

What do you want to do?

Create a document link in Projects

Associate a link with a project

Remove an association of a link and an area

View location

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