Data Mining Rule Descriptions

This page lists the data mining rule descriptions. For more information, see Data Mining Parameters and Rules.

Rules /Conditions



Task complete this period

This rule pulls all tasks that have percent complete = 100% for the current reporting month but less than 100% for the last reporting month.

Cumulative actual costs exceed budget at complete (BAC)

This rule selects all Control Accounts or Work Packages where the cumulative ACWP is greater than the BAC.

Cumulative actual costs equal budget at complete (BAC)

This rule selects all Control Accounts or Work Packages where the cumulative ACWP is equal to the BAC.

Actual costs charged against completed [Control Account]

This rule is triggered for all records where BAC = cumulative BCWP and current period BCWP is zero and current period ACWP is non zero.

Forecasted cost is zero for incomplete [Control Account]

This rule pulls all control accounts that have remaining tasks to complete and zero ETC.

Cumulative actual costs exceed estimate at complete (EAC)

This rule selects all records where the cumulative ACWP exceeds the EAC value.

TCPIe is greater than CPI by more than [parameter]

This rule pulls all control accounts and below where the cost performance required to complete the control account exceeds the cost performance achieved to date on the control account by an unacceptable margin.

Earned value has increased with no increase in actual costs

When selected together with a reporting month, this rule displays the control account where the cumulative BCWP from the previous month to current month has increased and the ACWP has not increased for the same period. The report displays all control accounts where work has taken place but no corresponding cost has been recorded.

Actual costs have increased with no increase in earned value

Actual costs have been charged to this control account in the current period but no corresponding earned value has been recorded.

Earned value present for current period with no actual cost for current period

When selected together with the reporting month, this rule pulls all control accounts that the cumulative BCWP has incremented and ACWP has not. The report displays all control accounts where work has taken place but no corresponding cost has been recorded.

SPI is less than [parameter]

When selected together with a percentage input value, this rule pulls all control accounts and below with SPI less than a certain percentage. The report displays any control accounts or below where schedule performance is unacceptably poor.

Negative actual cost in current period

This rule pulls all control accounts and below that show negative ACWP for the current period.

Negative earned value in current period

This rule pulls all control accounts and below that show negative BCWP for the current period.

Planned value is negative for current period

This rule pulls all control accounts and below that show negative BCWS for the current period.

CPI is less than [parameter]

When selected together with a percentage input value, this rule flags WBS where CPI is less than a certain percentage. The report displays any control accounts and below where the cost is unacceptably poor.

Earned value or actual costs exist for a planning package

This rule pulls all work package where BCWP is greater than 0 or ACWP is greater than 0. I.e., work has started or costs have been recorded for a planning package. Planning packages should be replanned into one or more work packages prior to the commencement of work.

Planning package inside the planning horizon of [parameter] months

Work under this planning package should now be broken out into one or more work packages.

Scheduled work package has not started

This rule pulls all work packages that should have started, according to the baseline dates, but no progress has been recorded.

Percent Spent (EAC) is greater than percent complete by more than [parameter]

When selected together with percentage input, this rule pulls control accounts with EAC greater than a [percentage] from Percent Complete.

Percent Spent (BAC) is greater than percent complete by more than [parameter]

When selected together with percentage input, this rule pulls control accounts with BAC greater than a [percentage] from Percent Complete.

TCPIe is greater than [parameter]

This rule pulls all control accounts and below where the cost performance that must be achieved on remaining work to stay within the forecast is unacceptably high. The EAC may need to be revised for this control account.

Planned value (baseline) has changed for a control account that has actual costs

This rule pulls any control account and below with actual costs recorded against it where the baseline has been changed.

Planned value (baseline) has changed for a control account that has earned value

This rule pulls any control account and below that has started where the baseline has been changed.

Actual costs have been charged to a control account that has no earned value

This rule pulls any control account and below that has costs charged against it but has not yet started (no earned value recorded).

Current SV% greater than project SV% threshold

This rule pulls any control account and below where the current period schedule variance is higher than acceptable.

Current CV% greater than project CV% threshold

This rule pulls any control account and below where the current period cost variance is higher than acceptable.

Cumulative SV% greater than project SV% threshold

This rule pulls any control account and below where the cumulative to date schedule variance is higher than acceptable.

Cumulative CV% greater than project CV% threshold

This rule pulls any control account and below where the cumulative to date cost variance is higher than acceptable.

VAC% greater than project VAC% threshold

This rule pulls any control account and below where the variance at complete is higher than acceptable.

Responsible department is blank or invalid

This rule identifies control accounts that do not have a valid Responsible Department assigned

The parameter is used to indicate the field where the code for the responsible department is located. Data mining checks for blank entries in the control accounts code defined in the parameter. If the entry is not blank, the validating code file is checked to ensure the code is still in the code file.

The valid parameters are: any of the three control account fields or a code on the control account.

Control account not in schedule

This rule pulls any control account in Cobra that does not exist in the scheduling tool.

Discrete work packages with no activity

This rule checks for work packages without a corresponding activity.

This rule supports the following parameter:

0 - Check for discrete work packages missing an activity. This check would ignore the following EVTs: LOE, Planning Package, and both Apportioned techniques.

1 - Check for labor work packages missing an activity. This would exclude any work package budget hours equal to zero.

This rule is skipped if there is not a schedule linked to a project.

Work package with no activity

This rule checks for work packages without a corresponding activity in the schedule.

This rule is skipped if there is no schedule linked to a project.

An activity with no work package

This rule checks activities in the schedule that do not have a corresponding work package.

This rule supports the following parameter:

0 – check all activities

1 – check only activities that have resource assignments

This rule does not include:

  • Projects when no schedule linked to the project.

  • Activities in the schedule that are of type subproject or external subproject.

Earned value is negative

This rule checks the cumulative to date earned value as displayed in the Earned column of the Cost Analysis View at the work package level.

Forecast not equal to actual costs for a completed work

For each project, this rule first determines the level for which costs are collected as defined in Project Information on the Files tab. The check is then performed at this level either control account or work package.

Completed work is determined by the work package or control account status as shown in the Cost Analysis view. If an actual finish date is added, the status will be complete.

The Forecast (calculated using the EAC cost set) is compared to the Actual costs.

Negative actual costs

The check is performed at both the work package and control account level by checking for a value less than 0 in the field titled Actual in the Cost Analysis view.

Material work package has a Schedule Variance (SV)

This rule checks work packages that do not contain Budgeted hours (BAC hours). A work package with no hours is considered a material work package.

If no budget hours exist on the work package, the Schedule Variance (SV) is checked to make sure it is equal to 0. The formula used is SV <> Earned – Budget to Date.

Forecast (EAC) with no budget or actual costs

The check is performed at both levels where actual costs are collected. If the Forecast (based on the EAC cost set) is greater than zero, it then checks to confirm Budget (BAC) and Actual costs are greater than zero.

Control account with budget and no approved work authorization workflow

The check is used to confirm all work has been authorized by checking for a matching workflow in the work authorization category for all control accounts that have Budget (BAC) greater than zero.

Actual costs with no budget

This rule selects any control account or Work Package where BAC is zero and ACWP is greater than zero.


The following rules take longer to process and should only be selected if the data mining processing is run as a server process using the Schedule button rather than the Run button:

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