Data Mining Processing Form

The Data Mining Processing form is used to set parameters/tolerances for those conditions that support settings and also to select the criteria for which the process will evaluate and record results. The Cost Analysis Data Mining reports then display the processed data with a set of parameters that you can control and adjust depending on how you want it presented.

For more information on data mining, see the Data Mining Detail and Summary Reports.

Data Mining Was Last Run: [MM/DD/YYYY HH:MM]

This indicates the date and time the process was last run.

Data Mining Rules Grid

Use this grid to view the condition rules and corresponding required parameters for data mining processing.

Grid Toolbar



Data Mining Rules

Click this drop-down arrow to display the following options: 

  • Print — Select this option to display the Print Preview form with the grid’s contents displayed.

  • Export to Excel — Select this option to display the Microsoft Excel application with the grid’s contents displayed.

Move To Top

Click this button to reset the record selector or grid pointer to the very first record. You can also use this button to move a selected row to the top of the grid.

Move Up

Click this button to move the currently selected record one step above another record.

Move Down

Click this button to move the currently selected record one step below another record.

Reset Rules

Click this button to clear all changes and refresh the grid with system defaults.

Grid Columns

Field Name



Use this check box to indicate which rule or condition to process. By default, all rules or conditions are selected.


The following rules take longer to process and should only be selected if the data mining processing is run as a server process using the Schedule button rather than the Run button:

  • Control account not in schedule

  • Discrete work packages with no activity

  • Work package with no activity

  • An activity with no work package

Rule Description

Use this column to view the condition or brief rule definitions. See Data Mining Rule Descriptions for a more information on the rules.


Use this column to enter the value required to process the condition. Not all conditions require an input.


Use this column to view more descriptive information for a condition.

What do you want to do?

Learn about data mining

Review the data mining rule descriptions

Learn about the data mining reports

Run a Data Mining Summary report

View location

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